Page 4 of Ghostly Glances

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Logan chuckled. "You're something else, you know that?"

"Darling, I aim to please." I gave him my most rakish grin. "Now, back to our earlier conversation—about your terrible date?"

He sighed, his face scrunching in displeasure. "It was a disaster, okay? I thought it would be good for me to put myself out there, but turns out, not so much."

"Ah, the pitfalls of dating. Trust me, even in my ghostly form, I've seen enough failed dinners and movie nights to know it's a war zone."

Logan's eyes met mine. "Well, dating or not, I can't say today is turning out to be any less strange."

I floated closer, suddenly serious. "Life's a rollercoaster, my man. Sometimes you've got to throw your hands up and enjoy the weird twists and turns."

A genuine smile broke across his face. "You know, I might just take you up on that."

To add to the morning’s chaos, someone knocked. Logan looked at the door, then back to me, clearly puzzled.

"Expecting company?" I asked, already sensing a new dynamic ready to complicate the morning.

As soon as he opened the door, in swept Lucy, Logan's neighbor. She had that "I'm here, and I mean business" look about her.

"I thought I heard voices. Are you alright?" She squinted, scanning the room with a gaze sharp enough to cut glass.

I faded into nothingness when she stepped further inside, looking at all corners of the room. This was a woman who took her neighborly duties seriously.

"It was the TV, Lucy. I called in sick today, so I'm just lounging," Logan explained, a touch of awkwardness in his voice.

"TV? At this hour? And multiple voices?" Her eyes narrowed, not quite buying the story but also not finding any evidence to the contrary.

"Yeah, you know, morning shows. They can get quite chatty."

She let out a sigh, her shoulders dropping a fraction. "Alright, if you say so. But if you need anything—anything at all—you know where to find me."

Logan nodded, managing a thankful smile. "I will, Lucy. I appreciate you keeping an eye out.”

As she retreated, closing the door behind her, I reappeared. "Well, that was a close call. She's got some serious watchdog vibes, huh?"

Logan chuckled, "You have no idea. But it's good to know someone's looking out for me, especially with you floating around."

"Fair enough," I admitted, returning to my casual hover. "But now that the neighborly wellness check is over, where were we?"

"We were about to dive into one of your stories," Logan said, the corners of his mouth ticking upward.

"Ah, yes, let's give you a proper welcome to my Halloween storytelling bonanza," I said, relishing the thought of sharing another tale from my spooky repertoire.

"So, there was this resident—Wendy. Man, you should've seen her. Broadway fanatic, the whole nine yards. She had posters of Wicked, Hamilton, you name it, plastered all over her walls."

Logan settled onto the couch, clearly intrigued. "Go on."

"Wendy was head over heels for this guy named Steve. Trouble was, Steve was dating someone else. But did that stop Wendy? No way. She thought, 'I'll win his heart when he hears the passion in my singing.’”

"Sounds like a rom-com waiting to happen," Logan said as he lowered the volume on the TV.

“It does start that way.” I paused, letting the anticipation build. "Wendy chose the night of the building's Halloween party to make her move. Dressed up like Elphaba, green face paint and all, she grabbed the karaoke mic and belted out 'I Will Always Love You.'"

Logan let out a laugh. "Bold move and an interesting blend of shows.”

"Absolutely. She gave it her all, really leaned into those high notes. At the end, she was almost in tears, eyes locked on Mark. And you know what he did?”

Logan shook his head, clearly hooked.

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