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“And what’s that?” I love the way her brown eyes shine. Those beautiful orbs that are like a smoldering fire, sparking with reds and ambers. Will they ignite in passion or anger, or stay banked with warmth? The suspense keeps me on my toes and my heartbeat racing. I love it. I could get addicted to this feeling.

If I’m not already.

Campbell leans in even closer, until her breath tickles my face. “We both find each other hot in what should be off-putting situations.”

I chuckle softly, not wanting to break the spell. “We do?”

She nods, chin still in her hand.

“I admitted to the pizza turn-on. What’s yours?”

She wrinkles her nose, like she can’t believe she’s going to tell me. She’s so fucking cute.

Lifting her head up, she shows a small distance between her thumb and pointer finger. “I may have been this close to jumping you after you strapped your cat to your chest in a baby carrier.”

I snort. “Women dig men wearing baby carriers. That’s nothing new.”

Her eyebrows rise. “A baby carrier holding a cat?”

I nod my head, conceding her point. “Okay. Yeah. That is weird. Probably weirder than me being turned on by you eating pizza.” I slide off my stool, moving between her legs. “There’s probably something wrong with you.”

She slaps my shoulder playfully. “Hey—”

But I don’t let her finish, instead taking the opportunity to drop my mouth over hers. She can eat pizza any old time. With anyone. I only have a few hours to remind her about all the pleasure she can have. With only me.

The greasiness of our lips should be off-putting, but it’s not. Sex is messy. Love is messy. Love? No, it can’t be. Can it? I’ve never been in love. I’ve never been around it enough to compare. Though I have a feeling, even if I had, nothing would compare to Bell.

My kiss started soft and playful, but is now deep and consuming. It’s more than the usual combustible passion between us. More than lust. My chest actually aches knowing tonight may be my last night with this woman.

I trail my lips across her jaw, nipping at her ear. “Stay the night,” I whisper. I don’t ask. Asking means letting her think she can say no. “Stay,” I repeat before taking her mouth again, my arms wrapping tight around her.

The only answer I allow her is a moan. It’s enough for me.

* * *



The word echoes in my mind as he consumes me. That’s the only word for it. His arms pull me in so close, not a whisper of breath between us. I want to move, to grind, to find some relief from this combustible current thrumming inside me. Yet I don’t. Rather, I sink into his embrace, memorizing his scent, his touch, his taste.

There’s an undercurrent of desperation driving both of us. We both know this is it. Our last night. It’s all he asked of me. It’s all I could promise. Two days.


I don’t answer. I couldn’t even if I wanted to.

Small kisses, hard kisses, tongue and lips and shared breath. It’s the kiss to end all kisses, and it would be sweet and momentous if it also wasn’t heartbreaking.

It’s only been two days. My heart has been safe all these years, so why does it suddenly feel so fragile? I thought I buried the fragile girl I once was, long ago.

Strong hands unfasten the tiny buttons down the front of my dress before gliding up to my shoulders and pushing the straps aside. The soft fabric grazes my nipples as it falls, catching once at my waist before Chase smooths it over my hips to the floor.

Still his kiss is gentle, reverent. His touch more so.

His fingertips float across my skin, barely grazing. Up my sides, over my breasts, around my nipples. My throat, my shoulders, my breasts again. Over and over, never the same path. As if he’s memorizing me with his touch. My head drops back, and my eyes close, giving myself over to him. To this moment.

Suddenly his touch deepens, becomes purposeful. He lifts me, cradling me in his arms before taking us down the hall to his room.

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