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“Are you okay? You look like you’re in pain.” Bell’s concern is amusing, considering she’s the one who put the pained expression on my face.

“Uh-huh. Yep. Totally fine.”

She gives me a well-deserved side-eye and continues eating her slice of pizza, folded in half like only good New York style pizzas can be eaten.

“So,” I say, trying for distraction. “How well do you know Denise Hampson?”

Campbell chokes on her next swallow.

I get up and pound on her back. “Shit, you okay?”

“Fine,” she coughs out. “Fine!” She leans back, warding off my hand with her arms. “Stop hitting me, you weirdo.”

I stop, hand raised. “Oh. Sorry.” In my panic I may have been a bit overzealous. Lowering my arm, I hop back on my chair.

Bell does that adorable eye roll she always likes to toss my way.

“So…?” She doesn’t seem in any hurry to answer my question, making me all the more curious. I haven’t forgotten the weird vibe from the meeting or the way her whole body had tensed up when she saw the email notification from Denise on my phone.

She lets out a huge sigh, as if resigned to her fate. “She was my co-worker once upon a time.”

Dropping that on me, she picks up her pizza again and takes a large bite.

I remember what she said about her first job in New York not working out. “Co-worker, huh? I—”

“Why are you asking?” Her eyes narrow over her slice. “Did she say something in that email of hers?”

“No.” I pull back, surprised at her tone. “Well, I don’t think so. I haven’t read it yet.” She doesn’t look like she believes me, so I go on. “I’m not doing any work this weekend. This weekend is ours.”

Her body softens at my admission. “Oh. Okay.” She opens her mouth to take another bite but stops. “Then why did you mention Denise?”

I don’t exactly want to tell her I was hoping to distract my hard-on to limit any more of its premature ejaculating, so I go with, “No reason.”

“Hmmm.” But it isn’t the good hmm from before when she was moaning over New York’s dough and cheese combo. It’s a contemplative hmm, like she doesn’t like where my answer is leading her train of thought. When she places her slice back on the plate before glancing at her watch, my panic has me blurting out, “I was trying to ease my hard-on!”

Her head swivels to me, her eyes blinking. “What are you talking about?”

Resigned, I sigh. “The real reason I brought up she-who-shall-not-be-named.”


I nod, prompting a laugh from her that dissolves the frown between her brows.

“Voldemort and Denise?” She snorts. “Yeah, I can see the similarities.”

“Exactly. She was the one thing guaranteed, even more than watching Mike clean his ball sack, to calm down the stiffy I’m rocking in my pants from watching you moan over your pizza.”

That surprises another laugh out of her. “Is that right?”

“Yep.” I reach for another slice. “Had to distract myself from how hot you are.”

“I’m hot eating pizza?” Her voice is skeptical, but a spark lights up her eyes.

Note to self, next time don’t try to dampen my arousal, just stoke hers up to my level.

Abandoning my pizza, I run my thumb over her slick bottom lip. “So hot. But then again, you’re always hot.” I smirk for good measure, my panic at the thought of her leaving early ebbing enough for my charm to pull through. Using both hands, I turn her more fully toward me before leaning one arm on the counter and dropping my chin to my palm.

Just inches away, she mirrors my pose and says, “If that’s true, then we have something in common.”

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