Page 1 of Scoring the Doctor

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Chapter 1


Sean’s hard body covered mine. A faint odor of mud and cut grass hit my nose. The scent of the pitch always clung to him. Once, I’d loved that smell. Not so much anymore. His hot breath fanned my ear and his hips snapped hard and fast. My limbs ached from practice, but I tried to muster some enthusiasm to match his rapid thrusts.

My mind wandered to the day’s events, no matter how I tried to rein it in. The team manager, Claire, had made us do extra laps after discovering a couple of the younger players were hungover. Claire wasn’t happy until she’d had some of the girls throwing up on the sidelines. I’d called her out afterward, but she’d doubled down. If we were serious about promotion to the Women’s Super League, then this was the time to knuckle down and work.

As the captain, I wanted to keep the girls happy, but Claire was right—this year was too important to fuck things up. We had to be tough on them. Calverdale Ladies finally had everything we needed to succeed: a great team and a billionaire director who wouldn’t stop until we got promoted to the Women’s Super League. We were two points ahead of our closest rivals in the league table. Three wins would do it.

This was our year.

Sean planted his elbows, panting and grunting as he increased his pace. The ceiling needed to be painted. Dust lined the top of the lampshade. We could do with another one. In fact, the whole bedroom needed redecorating. We’d moved in together five years ago and we still hadn’t got round to putting up new wallpaper. I flicked my gaze to the eggshell curtains. It was time for a change. A new color scheme entirely. Maybe lilac. I was definitely having a lilac moment after I’d found those perfect lilac football boots to match my hair.

Sean groaned and buried his face into the pillow next to my head. The bedframe rattled against the wall. Maybe we should get a new bed, too. One with a more stable headboard.

Sean’s voice was ragged in my ear. “You like that, don’t you? You’re filthy, aren’t you? A dirty girl.”

I patted his clammy back. Sean’s idea of sexy talk always left me cold. Any minute now he’d go for his big finish. No point dragging it out. It never happened for me, anyway. I turned my face to the side and made a few gasping noises. These days, I hardly needed to put in a performance. Sean either didn’t notice or he didn’t care. He grunted and quivered like a warthog in the grips of a seizure and then stilled, collapsing on top of me.

A hollow ball burned in my chest. We’d been together since school. Seven years of faking orgasms. I waited until his breathing slowed before I spoke. “I was thinking we should redecorate in here.”

He pulled out and got up without looking at me. “Whatever you want, babe.”

“Maybe lilac curtains.”

He stretched and admired his impressive muscular frame in the mirror above the dressing table. “You remember I’m going to my parents’ for dinner tonight?”

“Sure. What time?”

I watched his face in the mirror as a small frown creased his brow and then disappeared. “Don’t worry about it. It’s a family thing.”

My chest tightened. Sean’s parents had always disapproved of me. It was fine for their son to be a football player, but they’d never liked the idea of him dating a female footballer. I wasn’t blind to their narrow glances whenever I went round for tea. With my tattoos and piercings, I wasn’t the kind of girl Mr. and Mrs. Wallace wanted for their superstar son. God knows who would be suitable. The Virgin Mary, maybe?

I fiddled with the silver ring in my nose and pasted a smile onto my face. “Fine. I have training tonight anyway.”

He didn’t even try to mask the relief in his expression.

No. Don’t worry. I’m not going to kick off about it. What’s the point?

The powerful muscles in his back rippled as he strode to the bathroom. I moved to the mirror and pulled my faded lilac hair in a ponytail that revealed the shaved edges of my undercut. The sound of the shower filled my ears. Fighting to ignore the hollow ache that lingered in my chest, I rested my palms on the dressing table and let my head drop. What the fuck was wrong with me? Sean was the captain of the top football team in the Premier League. Teenage girls throughout England had posters of my boyfriend on their walls. If I couldn’t have an orgasm with a man that looked like Sean Wallace, what chance did I have?

A harsh buzz made me jump. Sean’s phone flashed and vibrated on the bedside table. Sean had been weird about his phone lately. I couldn’t remember a time when he hadn’t been surgically attached to it. I’d never been the jealous type. Sean had girls throwing themselves at him, but he’d always been faithful. We’d been together since before he was famous. He’d always told me I was the only girl he could trust to want Sean Wallace the man and not the football icon. Still, unease gnawed my gut, and I always trusted my gut. It only took two attempts to crack the passcode and unlock the phone. Sean had never been creative. I read the first message and my stomach dropped.

Last night was amazing. When can you get away again?

The sender had no name, just an initial, M. I scrolled through an endless slew of messages until I reached a bunch of faceless nudes. Nausea rolled in my stomach. The messages dated back a year. A fucking year!

Sean strolled back into the bedroom, naked and toweling his golden hair. He raised a questioning brow. “Everything okay?”

I held up the phone. The towel dropped from his hand. Despite the hard lump in my throat, I managed to keep my voice level. I even managed not to throw the phone at his face.

“No, Sean. Everything is not okay.”

Chapter 2


I stepped into the hallway and tripped over a pair of heavy black boots. My shoulders tensed and I rolled them loose. I’d have to talk to my sister, Frankie, about leaving her stuff everywhere again. I found her in the kitchen, stirring a pot of something beige and unidentifiable on the hob.

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