Page 92 of Covert Risk

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It’s over.

Over, over, over, Lila repeated to herself.

Then a thought occurred to her. “Domino? Did she shoot him?” She scanned the room for the man she had been so sure that Zara was going to kill.

“He’s fine,” Christian answered just as her gaze landed on him.

He looked okay.

No blood.

Not shot.

Relieved, she shoved out of Christian’s arms and hopped the couple of steps to where Domino was standing, throwing herself into his arms. Lila felt his surprise, but his arms quickly closed around her, returning her hug.

“I th-thought she g-got you,” she whispered against his neck. If Zara had managed to kill Domino, Lila would have blamed herself because she hadn’t been able to get the gun out of the woman’s hands when they’d been wrestling over it on the floor.

“I’m all good,” he assured her.

Summoning a small smile, she shoved away the fear and anger and allowed the reality that they were all alive and unharmed to take over. “G-good, I wouldn’t h-have wanted to b-break the news t-to Julia that y-you got yourself sh-shot,” she teased.

One side of Domino’s mouth curled up. “My little flame is a handful.”

“A handful?” Arrow snickered. “Julia is way more than a handful. But don’t let her know I said that.”

The guys laughed, and Lila felt herself relax a little more. There was still tension humming in the room, and she knew the body was over in the corner even though she couldn’t bring herself to look at it. But Christian and his team no longer had a threat hanging over their heads, and that was worth celebrating.

“Can I have my woman back now?” Christian asked mildly even as she felt his hands reaching for her. He took her from Domino, cradling her in his arms.

Her body continued to vibrate with shakes, and she clenched her teeth together in an effort to still their chattering. It made sense that she would be in shock given that her system had gotten another scare, but none of the guys seemed affected by what had happened.

While she knew it was because this was their job, it was what they did, it still seemed unfair that she was a trembling mess, and they were standing around like it was all no big deal.

Then she felt a shudder ripple through Christian’s big body, and she knew he wasn’t unaffected at all.

He was every bit as scared as she was.

“Was so scared she was going to kill you,” Lila whispered, nuzzling her face against his neck.

“Ah, baby, when I heard that gunshot …” he trailed off and another shudder rocked through him. Pressing closer, she tightened her hold on him and touched a soft kiss to the pulse point in his neck.

“I didn’t want to be a victim anymore. I wasn’t going to just go with her, wasn’t going to let her use me to kill you.”

Christian’s arms tightened convulsively. “You don’t ever risk yourself like that again.”

Lifting her head, Lila narrowed her eyes at him. “If it comes down to protecting you, I absolutely will do whatever I can,” she said defiantly.

“It’s my job to protect you,” he countered.

“Nu-uh.” Lila shook her head firmly. “I love you. If you get to put yourself in danger for me then I can do it for you.”

“Not sure I can take seeing you with a gun pointed at your head again, darlin’. About had a heart attack when I came in here and saw you fighting Zara, and when you were muttering taunts at her I almost lost my mind. I love you, sweetheart, and you’re the mother of my baby. You don’t get to be in danger ever again.”

Giving him an indulgent smile because she totally got where he was coming from, Lila pressed a quick kiss to his lips. “I’m always going to have your back, and if I can protect you, I will. I won’t ever be a victim ever again.”


“That’s a battle you’re not going to win, brother,” Eagle said, slapping him on the back.

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