Page 91 of Covert Risk

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But it never came.

“It’s over,” Bear announced.

“Christian?” Lila asked, trying to lift her head.

Refusing to let her until he saw for himself that the threat was eliminated, he kept her tucked against his chest as he slowly turned around to find Zara’s body slumped in the corner, a bullet wound between her eyes.

Domino was staring at Zara, his weapon still held out, and Surf assumed not only had his friend dodged the bullet Zara fired at him, but he had been the one to take the kill shot.

Given Domino’s guilt over all of them having to give up their lives to hide from Zara because he’d killed his brother, being the one to eliminate that threat should hopefully help him move forward.


They were all free.

There was still a politician to find and stop, but at least his team was no longer being hunted.

“Christian, is it really over?”

* * * * *

November 23rd

9:34 P.M.

“Yeah, baby. It’s over,” Christian answered, tightening his hold on her.

Relief had her sagging against him, almost unable to believe they were all finally safe. “Over,” she murmured as she pressed her face against his neck. She’d been trying to lift her head, see what was happening, but now she stopped fighting against him, letting his strength take the place of the anger that had been the only thing keeping her on her feet.

“Shh, it’s all right,” Christian soothed, his hands smoothing up and down her spine, and Lila realized she was shaking.

She had no idea why.

She should be happy, it was over.

That did mean what she thought it did, didn’t it?

“Zara is …?” She lifted her head to meet Christian’s eyes, needing to make sure he wasn’t going to lie to her, tell her what he thought she wanted to hear. She needed the truth. Needed to know Zara could never hurt her or the people she cared about again. It was the only way she would be able to heal.

“Is dead,” Christian finished her sentence, his green eyes holding her gaze, no wavers, no dips, communicating that he was giving her the truth.

So it was over.


“Here,” Arrow said, passing Christian a blanket that he quickly wrapped around her.


Because her entire body was trembling somewhat violently.

“I … I d-don’t know w-why I’m sh-shaking,” she stammered through chattering teeth.

“Shock, honey.” Christian’s hands rubbed up and down her arms, and she pressed closer, seeking his warmth.

“Your adrenalin is crashing now that it’s over,” Arrow added.


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