Page 90 of Covert Risk

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Focusing on how high the stakes were would make him weak.

Being out of control was his biggest fear, but you could never control others, no matter how hard you tried. All you could control was yourself. And he had no intention of letting his control over his emotions slip even for a millisecond.

“I told her that,” Lila muttered under her breath, causing Zara to glower and press the gun tighter against Lila’s head.

“It’s not over. It won’t be over until you’re all dead,” Zara yelled.

He could see Lila tense at Zara’s words, and the look she tossed over her shoulder was almost sharp enough to kill. They were all sick of Zara Duffy and her threats. This ended here tonight.

“You only have one option here, Zara,” he said, keeping his tone matter-of-fact. “You can only shoot one of us before the rest of us open fire on you. You kill Lila, same thing, we kill you.”

Panic hit Zara’s dark eyes as though she had only really thought it through when it was spelled out for her. Eagle was right. She had been going off emotion, making spur-of-the-moment decisions because she was swamped with grief and a desire for revenge.

In her mind, she’d thought she could get into the hospital, take Lila again, and then play the whole baiting them game all over again.

Now she realized she was out of options.

There was no way Zara was walking away. She had backed herself into a corner and now needed to accept the consequences.

“You need to accept that this isn’t going to work the way you wanted,” he continued. Pushing her was a risk. She could either get frustrated and fire the weapon, or she could get annoyed and distracted and lower the weapon.


That was all he needed to take the shot.

“Put the weapon down. Let us take you into custody. Maybe if you turn in whatever politician you’re working with you can make a deal.” Although he suggested it, Surf would be surprised if she’d be able to make any worthwhile deal. Not with the extent of lives lost and damage done by her and Kristoff’s plot. Dozens of people had been killed in the explosions they’d set. She’d be spending the rest of her life in some prison cell in some hidden prison reserved for terrorists and traitors.

“Stop!” Zara shrieked. “Let me think!”

“There’s nothing to think about,” he reminded her. “This is it, the end of the road, you’re not going to kill all of us, and you’re not walking out of here. Body bag or handcuffs, those are your options.” Personally, he hoped she chose the body bag. Surf knew both he and Lila, along with the rest of his team and their partners, would all sleep easier knowing the threat against them was permanently eliminated.

The wheels inside Zara’s head were obviously whirring.

Then calm descended.

Surf got a bad feeling.

Whatever she had planned he knew he wasn’t going to like it.

“You’re right, I can’t get everything I want, but I can at least kill the man who murdered my love, moya lyubov.” Without warning she spun and fired at Domino.

Lila took advantage and slammed her casted leg back into Zara’s shin.

Zara cried out and stumbled, the weapon going off again as both women fell in a tangle of limbs.

He sprang into action, flying at the women and reaching for Lila.

Somehow, he managed to detangle her and yank her away from Zara.

As he whisked her to the other side of the room, he saw her eyes grow wide.


Acting on instinct, as she screamed his name, he spun them so his body was between Lila and the shot he knew was coming.

The gun went off.

He braced for pain.

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