Page 87 of Covert Risk

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She wasn’t okay.

Likely wouldn’t ever be completely okay.

But she was going to live her life to the fullest.

She was alive, and that was all that really mattered. Everything else could be dealt with in time.

“Do you know where the men from Prey Security are?” she asked. If he’s been assigned to watch over her then he knew enough to know who was after her and that Prey was involved.

Understanding filled his warm brown eyes. “Your man will be back soon.”

Her man. Lila liked the sound of that.

Christian Bailey was hers forever, and she was his.

Together they were going to raise this little one growing inside her. At least she hoped her baby was still alive. Since she’d been asleep, she hadn’t spoken with a doctor, and Christian had left her alone, so she didn’t really know if everything was okay with the baby.

“He wouldn’t want you out of bed. You should go back, rest. Do you need help?”

Lila sighed. It was obvious he wasn’t going to give her anything else. Likely Christian had told him not to tell her anything that might upset her.

They were going to have to have words about that.

It was sweet he wanted to protect her, but she wasn’t some weak coward. Even though she had been terrified out there, she had walked on an injured ankle, fought off an assault, and even in the end accepted her fate and not wanted anyone to die with her.

She could handle whatever came next.

She just hoped what was next was Christian back in her room.

“No, I can make it. Thank you.”

Letting the door fall closed behind her, Lila eyed the room’s other door. She assumed it led to a bathroom, and now that she was up, she realized she needed to go.

Inside, she paused at the mirror and gaped as she took in her reflection.

Talk about looking a hot mess.

There were dark smudges under her eyes, bruises and a couple of scrapes on her cheeks, and her hair hung limply down her back. Someone had cleaned away the dirt she was sure must have been on her skin when she was brought in, but she didn’t feel clean.

Lila eyed the shower, wishing she had enough energy to take one, although she wasn’t really sure if she was allowed with her cast and bandages. Instead, she shuffled to the toilet, did her business, then washed her hands.

All of a sudden, the bed felt very far away, and she had to wonder how she was even on her feet. Christian better hurry up and get back here because she didn’t want to go to sleep alone. She was scared of nightmares.

So much for her she wasn’t weak or a coward pep talk.

She didn’t feel very strong or brave.


Time, Lila. That’s all you need.

As she opened the bathroom door, Lila prayed that was true. She didn’t want to squander this chance. To all intents and purposes, she should be dead. Destiny had demanded her life, and yet somehow, here she was, alive and … mostly in one piece.

Movement caught her eye, and she relaxed. “Christian, you’re finally here. Where were …” she trailed off when she realized the movement wasn’t Christian.


No way was she going to be that lucky.

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