Page 86 of Covert Risk

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“Then they get Zara’s husband out of the way—likely the original plan had nothing to do with Lila—and she marries the politician while still remaining Kristoff’s lover. Their plan was to destabilize the government so they knew what points to hit in the campaign all but ensuring their man was elected,” Arrow said. “Kind of a genius plan for power.”

“Crazy genius,” Eagle corrected. “We need to find out which politician Zara and Kristoff were using.”

That was important, Surf acknowledged that, but right now he had only one priority.

Finding and stopping Zara.

The election was still months away. They had time to find out who was working alongside Zara and stop them.

They might not have time to stop Zara before she made another attempt on their lives.

On Lila’s life.

* * * * *

November 23rd

9:10 P.M.

“Mmm.” Lila sighed as she blinked open her eyes.

Clean, warm, not in pain, not a bad way to wake up. After everything that happened this last week, she wasn’t sure she would ever feel this way again.

“Christian?” Lifting her head took effort. Although the edge had been taken off her exhaustion by her nap, she still felt like she could sleep for a month, but when she didn’t hear him respond she managed it. She glanced around the hospital room, expecting to see him sleeping in a chair beside her bed or in his own bed.

Instead, the room was empty.

A tinge of panic elevated her pulse.

She knew the bomb hadn’t gone off. Remembered the fear of thinking that Christian and the rest of his team were going to get blown up along with her because they wouldn’t leave her side. She also remembered the relief when the chains were removed and she was in Christian’s arms. Exhaustion had quickly pulled her under, but the last thing she knew was him beside her holding her hand.

Now he was gone.

Had something else happened?

After making the phone call to Christian, Zara and her goon had left, so she assumed they were still out there somewhere. Had the guys gone after her? Had she hurt them?

Her pulse rate continued rising, and her body protested as she ripped at the IV in the back of her hand and swung her legs over the side of the bed. Her bad ankle had a cast on it, and there was a bandage on her arm where she’d cut it in the fall that day she’d run. Gauze was wrapped around both her wrists and her bare ankle, and bruises everywhere on the exposed skin on her forearms and shins.

She no doubt looked like an extra in a horror movie, and she certainly felt like one, but she needed to find Christian.

There was no way she was going to be able to rest until she knew where he was and that he was okay.

Probably wouldn’t rest until he was there in the bed beside her.

Didn’t he know he was human too?

He’d been shot, almost drowned, beaten and knocked unconscious, drugged and held captive, and almost got blown up alongside her. His body needed rest every bit as much as hers did.

Her man needed to get his sexy butt into bed beside her and hold her so they could both go to sleep safe in the knowledge they were together.

Whatever drugs they’d given her had stolen her pain. Temporarily, but it was better than nothing, and her ankle didn’t protest too much as she hobbled awkwardly on the cast toward the door.

When she opened it, she found a cop leaning against the wall just outside. As soon as he saw her, he straightened and offered her a smile.

“You okay, ma’am?” he asked in accented English.


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