Page 88 of Covert Risk

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Looked like destiny was ready to screw with her again.

A nurse was in the room, but Lila would know the face of the woman who had tried to kill her anywhere.


“Why won’t you just die?” the woman hissed.

Anger surged through her.

Lila was so tired of people playing with her life. Even Christian had taken the choice out of her hands as to whether or not she could handle the threat hanging over his team’s heads. Then Ross and Zara had kidnapped her, both wanting to use her in their sick games, and she was tired of it.

No more.

She was done.

She wasn’t going to be a passive plaything to others ever again.

It was time to take back control of her own life.

“Why won’t you just leave me alone?” Lila growled.

Zara took a startled step back at Lila’s vehemence, but her surprise quickly morphed into rage. She pulled out a weapon and aimed it right at Lila, but instead of being scared it just made her angrier.

There was so much rage inside her there wasn’t room for any other emotion, not even fear, and she stalked—as best as she could with a cast on—slowly toward Zara.

“I’m not going to be used as a pawn in your plot to kill the man I love,” Lila snarled as she limped closer.

“Don’t come any closer or I’ll shoot you,” Zara warned.

“Yeah?” Lila scoffed, knowing that wasn’t going to happen. “If you shoot me then you alert the guard in the hall and the team of warriors somewhere nearby that you’re here. With me dead there’s nothing that’s going to stop them from killing you.”

“Not if I shoot them first.”

That made her laugh. “You really are delusional, aren’t you? You think you can take out six highly trained former special forces operators? Give it up. It’s over. You either shoot me now or I’m taking you down myself.”

“I’m going to rule the world.”

“You were never in control of that plan. It was all Kristoff Mikhailov, you’re just another of his puppets. He used you for your contacts and your body. Without him, you don’t stand a chance at making your plans work.”

“Shut up,” Zara hissed, but the weapon wavered, and Lila knew she’d hit a direct score. The woman didn’t like being told she was nothing, talk about delusions of grandeur. “Kristoff loved me. We were partners. If your man and his team hadn’t murdered him, we would have ruled the world. They have to pay.”

“Stop threatening the man I love,” Lila screamed as she threw her body at Zara’s, confident that Zara wouldn’t shoot because then she’d find herself trapped in here. Plus, Lila didn’t believe the woman had it in her.

Just as she connected with the other woman, sending them both tumbling to the floor, the gun went off.

Chapter Twenty-Two

November 23rd

9:23 P.M.

A gunshot.

Surf’s entire body went ramrod straight.

There wasn’t a doubt in his mind that it was related to Lila.

Without a word, he shoved out of his seat, vaguely registering that it clattered to the floor behind him, but he was already moving out the door.

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