Page 80 of Covert Risk

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It was Lila’s only chance.

The only chance for all of them.

Because he wasn’t leaving Lila’s side, and he knew his team would have his back until the end.

No matter what.

They flew across the roads and made excellent time and had a full ten minutes by the time they reached the address.

Surf couldn’t even remember if he turned off the engine, all he knew was that he had to get to Lila.

Behind him, the others checked to make sure they were alone, but he already knew they were. Zara wanted to kill them in an explosion, she had a thing for them, or Kristoff Mikhailov had a thing for them. Their plan involved bombs, and Zara wanted to take them all out with one.

“Lila,” he called out as he stepped into a large shed. She was in the middle of the room, strung up with chains by her wrists and ankles. There was a suicide vest strapped to her chest, and she was naked.

Red rage burned inside him, but he stowed it and ran toward her.

“Christian,” his name came out in a sob, and she shook her head. “You shouldn’t have come. Why did you come?”

“Always going to be there for you, baby. That’s what I promised you.” Reaching her, he cupped her cheek in his palm and stroked his thumb across her temple.

“I don’t want you to die.” Tears streamed down her cheeks, and he saw her gaze shift to something behind him and she stiffened. “You all came? No! You have to leave! You all have partners, kids, I don’t want anyone dying for me.”

“Not your choice to make,” Bear said firmly.

“We’re a team. We face things together,” Arrow added.

“And no one is dying today,” Mouse vowed as he shifted to stand behind Lila where he could better see the bomb.

“I’ve never had a team before,” she said. Although tears were still tumbling down her cheeks, there was a hint of awe in her voice, like she couldn’t quite believe she was worthy of them all risking everything for her.

“Well, you do now,” he assured her. As much as he wanted to cover her, hold her, gather her up, and never let her go, he didn’t want to do anything that might set the bomb off. He had no idea how stable it was, and Mouse needed full access to the vest so no one died tonight.

“Christian, if it gets close to zero promise me you’ll leave.” Lila’s blue eyes pleaded with him, and while he hated to disappoint her, that was one promise he couldn’t make.

“No, baby. I’m not leaving you. Ever.”

Resignation filled her face. “Your team has to leave. I appreciate the sentiment more than you know, but I won’t hurt Mackenzie, Phoebe, Piper, and Julia.”

“It’s going to be okay, my sweet mama bear. Try to have faith.” His hand remained on her cheek while his other brushed lightly across her stomach beneath the vest.

“I’m trying, but I’m so tired.”

“I know, baby, but I need you to hold on just a little bit longer. Can you do that for me?”

Determination flared in her eyes. She was down, but she wasn’t out for the count. “Yes.”

“There’s my girl.” Keeping his gaze fixed on Lila, willing his strength into her, he asked the one question they all were desperate to know the answer to. “Mouse? Can you disarm it?”

* * * * *

November 23rd

12:52 A.M.

Lila held her breath as she waited for Mouse’s answer.

Live or die?

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