Page 81 of Covert Risk

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As scared as she was to be blown up, she was more scared knowing that other people might die along with her. The thought of the women she hardly knew but had welcomed her so openly and warmly losing the men they loved, the fathers of their children, gutted her.

“I got this,” Mouse said.

He sounded so confident, and Lila wanted to believe him, she really did, but so far every time she thought things were improving, finally looking up, something else bad happened.

Why should this time be any different?

“Hey.” Christian increased the pressure with his thumb as he continued to sweep it across her temple in an attempt to soothe her.

It wasn’t working.

“Trust Mouse. He knows what he’s doing,” Christian assured her.

This wasn’t about not trusting Mouse or believing in his skills, it was that destiny still had its claws dug deep into her skin, and she wasn’t sure it was going to loosen its hold.

Still, she wanted to reassure Christian so she nodded. “I trust him.”

From the small quirk of his lips, she knew she hadn’t convinced him. “It’s going to be okay, sweetheart. We’re going to get you out of here.”

“Area is clear,” Bear announced, coming over to join them.

Everyone was gathered around her, and although they had their weapons hanging across their bodies, in their hands they held tools. They looked like bolt cutters, and she assumed that they were to cut her free from the chains that held her suspended in the air the second Mouse got the bomb disarmed.

Assuming he got it disarmed.

A tremor rippled through her body. The large space was freezing, and she didn’t have any clothes on. She’d be embarrassed about being in front of Christian’s entire team completely naked, but to be honest, she was too exhausted for another emotion.

“Not long, honey,” Mouse assured her.

“We got this, baby,” Christian said. “Hold on just a little longer.”

She wanted to, but she was so tired.

When would this finally be over?

“How many minutes left on the timer?” she asked. If it got too close, she was going to insist they all leave. The last thing she wanted was to have the deaths of six good men on her conscience as she took her final breath. She’d tell the guys they had to take Christian with them. She wouldn’t let him die for her.

She loved him too much for that.

No one gave her an answer.

“How long?” she repeated.

“Three minutes left, but I’m almost there,” Mouse finally replied.

One hundred and eighty seconds.

That wasn’t much. Barely long enough for the guys to get far enough away from the bomb before it blew. If Mouse didn’t have the bomb disarmed before it hit two minutes, they would have to leave.

“Christian …” she started.

“It’s going to be okay, don’t give up faith.”

Lila closed her eyes and tilted her face into his hand, soaking up what could be her last moments with him. It was so unfair, she wanted the future with Christian and their baby that she’d been dreaming about, and they were so close to having it.

But bemoaning the unfairness of the world wouldn’t change anything.

“How long left?” she asked again.

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