Page 79 of Covert Risk

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“Don’t, Christian,” Lila’s voice sounded further away as it came down the line. “Don’t come, please. It’s a trap.”

They all knew that.

“Thank you for that interruption, darling,” Zara drawled. “I think your man is smart enough to figure that out. But he’s going to come anyway, even knowing it’s a trap, aren’t you?”

There was nothing that would stop him from going after Lila. Even if it killed him, he would risk everything for a chance at saving her. “I’m coming.”

“No,” Lila cried out, and he felt her pain in that one word. It was the same pain echoing inside him. He didn’t want to die, and certainly didn’t want to lose the woman he loved and their baby, but he couldn’t stay away.

“I knew it,” Zara sang, sounding delighted.

“She strapped a bomb on me,” Lila cried. “It’s set to go off in one hour.”

“That was supposed to be our little surprise,” Zara said, obviously to Lila, and he heard the sound of flesh hitting flesh, and even though Lila didn’t cry out he knew Zara had hit her.

“You’ll pay for that,” he growled.

“You’ll be dead soon. How exactly are you going to make me pay?” Zara taunted.

“Please, Christian, please don’t come. I don’t want you to die, please,” Lila sobbed.

“I’m coming for you, sweetheart. Nothing on earth could keep me away.” If nothing else, then he would ensure that his woman didn’t die alone.

“Perfect. I’m sure you won’t mind that I’m not here to greet you,” Zara said, then tittered a little laugh. “I’ll text you the address. Enjoy one last moment with your girl before you both go kaboom.” The line went dead, and a couple of seconds later, a text with an address came through.

“That’s almost an hour away,” Mouse said.

“She wants us to show up just before the explosion goes off,” Arrow added.

“I’m so sorry. This is all because I killed my brother,” Domino said, looking tortured.

“Not your fault,” Bear said firmly.

“You guys shouldn’t come. If we can’t stop this then I don’t want you dying. I … I have to go, even if it’s pointless. I can’t let her die alone.” The thought of her afraid, sitting there waiting for the bomb to go off all alone made his stomach cramp.

Five offended faces glared back at him.

“If you think we’re letting you go in alone then you hit your head harder than I thought,” Arrow snapped.

“You guys have families. There’s no way I could ask you to risk everything for me and Lila.”

“You didn’t ask,” Brick said.

“We live as a team we die as a team,” Bear said, fire dancing in his brown eyes. “And who said anything about dying today?”

“You heard what she said. The bomb is rigged to go off in an hour, it’ll take us most of that time to get there, and those people love bombs. It’s not going to be an easy one to disarm, she wants us dead.” As much as he wanted to believe they could save Lila he wasn’t sure that they could.

“Never underestimate Alpha Team,” Mouse said. The man had never met a bomb he couldn’t disarm, but would there be enough time for him to figure out how it was set up before it blew and took them all out with it?

“Are you guys sure?” Surf knew they were stronger together but asking them to risk their lives was something else.

“You shouldn’t even have to ask.” Arrow grinned then slammed a fist into his shoulder, hard enough that Surf stumbled backward.

“Let’s go save your girl,” Bear said.

They bundled into an SUV, Surf at the wheel. With the address programmed into the GPS, he didn’t even bother to pretend to follow a single road rule. It was the middle of the night, the roads were empty, and nothing mattered to him except getting to Lila as quickly as was humanly possible.

If he wanted a chance at saving her, he had to give Mouse as much time to work on that bomb as he could.

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