Page 78 of Covert Risk

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Kristoff had chosen her.

She was going to be the new First Lady.

The new puppet master in control of the most powerful nation in the world.


She had to grasp her control back.

“Strip her,” she ordered Aleksei who was pulling on the ropes so they would lift Liliana, suspending her in the air. “She doesn’t need clothes for this role.”

Liliana’s already pale face drained of color. There was hunger in Aleksei’s eyes as he took out a knife and began to cut her clothes from her body. Her loyal soldier deserved a reward.

Meeting the other woman’s gaze Zara held it, a smile curving her lips up. “When you’re done, Aleksei, you may have yourself a little treat.”

“Thank you, ma’am.”

“Aleksei, use the remote,” she ordered as he unzipped his pants.

He pulled the remote from his pocket, and a moment later, the toy inside her sprang to life.

As Zara watched, pleasure built inside her. Control, power, she was in charge here. She decided who lived and died. She alone was judge, jury, and executioner. She was going to be the ruler of the world, and she owed it all to the man she loved more than anything.

Zara came in a rush, Liliana’s cries ringing in her ears.

Chapter Twenty

November 23rd

12:00 A.M.

Surf was well past the point of frustration by the time his cell phone buzzed with an incoming call.

They’d scoured the forest surrounding the house where he and Lila had been held, but so far they hadn’t found her. At first, he’d found a trail to follow, but bad weather—wind and then freezing rain—had caused him to lose it. He knew Lila had to be out there somewhere, but she was weak and exhausted, injured and in pain, and he was afraid she’d passed out somewhere, unable to hear them as they searched for her.

He was sure there was no way she could survive a night out in the cold.

Which meant if he didn’t find her soon, he’d lose her forever.

“I’ve got a call from an unknown number,” he called out to the others. After searching for Lila for hours they had regrouped at the house. Ross Duffy had been taken into custody by local cops and would be sent Stateside later in the day. They’d searched along with the local police department for miles around the house, now they were trying to come up with another plan to find Lila.

Deep in his gut, Surf feared he knew the reason she hadn’t been found, he just wasn’t ready to go there yet.

“Put it on speaker,” Bear ordered as his team gathered around him.

“Took you longer than I would have thought to answer. I thought you were anxious to find your woman,” a voice he immediately recognized came through the phone.

“Zara.” Fear warred with anger as he had no choice now but to accept that the greatest threat facing Lila wasn’t hypothermia.


It was this psychopath.

“In the flesh so to speak,” Zara said, then laughed at her little joke.

“Where is she?” he growled.

“Oh, I’m going to give you the location, don’t you worry your pretty little head about that. I want you to find her,” Zara told him.

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