Page 70 of Covert Risk

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“It will be okay, honey. I promise.”

She wanted so badly to believe him, but things just seemed to keep getting worse. Now he expected her to run and hide like a coward while he took on a crazy woman and her army.

“Christian, I can’t take you …” Damn, she couldn’t even say the words. Couldn’t even think them.

Crushing her mouth to his, she kissed him like she was a dying woman, and he was the air she needed to live.

In a way he was what she needed to live.

Ever since she’d run from her old life she hadn’t really been living, just existing. Now she knew what it felt like to live life to the fullest and that chance at happiness was being dangled in front of her like a carrot.

The universe couldn’t be mean enough to snatch it away, could it?

One of his hands tangled in her messy hair and he kissed her back as fervently as she was kissing him.

A sound behind them had him standing and setting her on her feet behind him.

The door to the room swung open, and a couple of guards stormed in.

Christian didn’t hesitate.

He fired, taking down one first and then the other.

“Run, Lila,” he ordered.

She hesitated for only a second, knowing that if she stayed, she wasn’t helping she was impeding his ability to do what he had been trained to do.

Even though it broke her heart, she turned and ran as fast as her bad ankle allowed out into the gardens, heading for the forest, praying Christian survived the gunfight she could hear raging behind her.

Chapter Eighteen

November 22nd

1:08 P.M.

Come on, guys. Any time now would be good.

Surf fired off another shot and another guard dropped.

These guys were good but weren’t nearly as trained as he was. Already he’d killed at least six, but there were still another eighteen to go. He was just waiting for them to realize that all they had to do to take him down was circle around and come at him from both sides.

Thankfully, they hadn’t figured that out yet.

The door behind him was still open from where Lila had fled, and he prayed her ankle held out long enough for her to get away, find herself somewhere safe to hide and wait for him.

At least all the guards were focused on him, so he hoped no one had followed her.

Nothing mattered more to him than getting Lila safe. If he had to give his life to ensure that she and their baby lived, then that’s what he’d do, trusting that his team would take care of his family for him.


The word had always been a sour one to him, given what his own family was like, but now, when he thought of Lila and their child, it was sweet.

The sweetest word that existed.

This is why he would do everything in his power to stay alive so he could spend the rest of his life with them.

Movement caught his attention through the glass.

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