Page 69 of Covert Risk

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“Did Ross …?”

“He didn’t touch me. They just left me in a bedroom until a couple of hours ago when Zara had me brought down here.”

She noted his broad shoulders slumped briefly in what she assumed was relief. His green gaze met hers as he reached out and touched a hand to her stomach. “Our little baby bear?”

“No bleeding, so I think it’s hanging in there.” At least she prayed it was. Until she was examined in a hospital and told by a doctor that her baby was okay, she was afraid to believe it.

“Tough like its mama,” Christian said as his fingers caressed her stomach. “Come on, let’s get you out of here.”

“Where were you?”


“How did you get out?”

“I’ll tell you everything once we’re safe. I want you to wrap your legs around my waist, and I’m going to get this rope off.”

Christian’s large hands spanned her waist, and he helped her lift her legs and curl them around his hips. It was awkward to keep them there with her bad ankle, but she locked her feet together as best she could, and gritted her teeth so she didn’t cry out in pain.

The last thing they needed was someone to come in and find Christian here.

It didn’t take him long to untie the rope around her neck and she let out a sigh as the scratchy material was gone. Exhausted down to her very bones, she sagged against him, letting her forehead drop to his shoulder.

“Almost done, baby,” he murmured soothingly as he sat on the chair she’d just been standing on and set her on his lap.

While she rested, he pulled out a small knife, cut the ropes binding her wrists, and slowly moved her hands around in front of her. Her shoulders ached from hours pulled in an unnatural position, and her wrists were so thankful not to have rope tied tightly around them.

“It’s going to be okay. I’m going to get you home.” The words were softly spoken but with a firmness that said he would not allow any other option.

“Get us home,” she corrected. After a taste of what it was like to be loved by an honorable man who would protect her from anything, there was no way she could live without him.

Instead of answering, Christian held her hands in his, massaging them gently to restore blood flow.

“Christian?” There was something he wasn’t telling her, and she didn’t like it.

“I want you to run.”

Lila’s mouth dropped open. Surely, he didn’t mean … “On my own?”

“I was able to contact my team, they’re on their way, but Zara will be back any minute, and I don’t want you hurt. I want you to run, find a place to hide. I’ll come for you.”

Of course he would.

That wasn’t what she was worried about.

What she was worried about was Christian sacrificing himself for her and their baby. She wanted all three of them to live. He’d been through so much, she had too, it was time for them to get some happiness.

“No, I can’t leave you.”

“I’ll be right behind you. Promise. As soon as my team gets here and we have Zara and Ross in custody, I’ll come and get you.”

“But the guards …”

“I can take the guards. And all I need is to hold them off until my team arrives.”

“But …”

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