Page 71 of Covert Risk

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They’d finally figured out that there was no way he could effectively shoot at the men coming through the door from the hall, and men coming in through the garden.

Looks like he might not get that sweet ending after all.

Bullets began to pepper the wall behind him. He’d knocked a huge oak desk over and taken cover behind it. It had protected him so far, but it wasn’t going to be able to save his life from a full-on assault.

Not that he was giving up without a fight.

If they wanted to take him down, he wasn’t going to go easily.

More bullets attacked the desk, and he popped up to fire and heard another body drop, but then the bullets continued, and he could hear them moving slowly toward him, sure they had him right where they wanted him.

And they did.

He’d given it everything he had, but it didn’t look like he was walking out of this room alive. He prayed Lila was somewhere safe. That no one would find her until his team got there.

I’m sorry, baby.

Just as he was about to accept his fate, the sound of bodies hitting the floor gave him a rush of hope.

Could it be?

The room went quiet.

Cautiously he stood, weapon up and ready to fire.

Then he lowered it and grinned.

“Needed a hand here I see.” Arrow grinned.

“’Bout time you guys showed up.” Surf relaxed now that his team was here.

“Hey, you were the one who decided to take his girl for a stroll through the forest,” Mouse teased.

“I had everything under control.” He shrugged but couldn’t be more grateful that they were there. He had no idea how they’d made it so quickly, but he was glad they had.

“Sure you did.” Bear rolled his eyes, but then he sobered. “You okay?”

“A little banged up,” he admitted. The gunshot wound in his shoulder ached, and he had a lingering headache. There were bruises from his tussle with the man at the cabin, but there was nothing he was concerned about.

“Lila?” Arrow asked, scanning the room that was littered with bodies.

“Told her to run. She’s hurt, think she has a broken ankle. Plus, she took a dip in the river and stopped breathing.” Just thinking about it had his heart clenching.

“We’ll get her to the hospital,” Arrow assured him.

“First, we need to make sure the house is clear,” Bear added.

“Zara Duffy?” Domino asked.

“She was in here with Lila. I don’t know where she went. Her plans have changed,” he informed her team. “Originally, she wanted to get all of us here, kill our women in front of us then kill each of us. Now she’s getting impatient. She was going to kill Lila as some sort of sacrifice to start up her campaign.”

“She can’t have gone far, probably holed up here somewhere,” Brick said.

Surf hoped so.

Because the alternative was that once again she had taken a few men and disappeared at the first sign of trouble.

The woman might want to instigate a war so she could overthrow the government, but she didn’t have the stomach to do what actually had to be done. She was a coward who prioritized herself, letting others do her dirty work.

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