Page 68 of Covert Risk

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Zara was ranting and raving, carrying on about how much she hated Christian and the rest of Alpha Team and how much she was looking forward to killing them all. The rant was interspersed with various monologues about how she was going to fulfill her plans with Kristoff and take over the government.

None of it was important as far as Lila was concerned, and she wasn’t paying much attention. Instead, she was wondering how she was going to get herself out of this mess.

Right now, she wasn’t coming up with many options.

“Are you listening to me?” Zara paused in front of the chair, her pretty face marred with a vicious snarl.

Before Lila could offer an answer, something thumped outside the room, drawing both of their attention.

What was that?

As much as she would like to believe it was help, Lila wasn’t going to put any of her eggs in that basket.

There was no way out of here.

Zara was going to kill her.

The entire mansion was crawling with armed guards.

Even if she somehow managed to get off the chair without killing herself, there was no way she was getting out of this house alive.

“What was that?” Zara snapped like Lila would have any answers. She knew what Zara knew which was nothing.

When she didn’t say anything, Zara huffed in irritation and stalked over to the door, throwing it open.

“Hey,” she yelled out. “What’s going on. I told you I didn’t want to be disturbed.”

There was no answer, and Zara huffed once again and stalked out into the hall, giving Lila a small reprieve.

Still, she’d take what she could get right about now.

Letting out a slow breath, she tried to control her fear. She’d accepted that she was going to die here, but it hurt so badly to know that her baby was going to die right along with her.

That didn’t seem fair.

Her baby hadn’t done anything wrong, it wasn’t even born yet. That it would die before even getting to live seemed like a gross injustice.

Zara claimed she wanted a new world, a better world, but really all she wanted was money and power for herself.

That her baby was going to die for some crazy actress to make a power grab filled her with anger.

But it was pointless anger.

Anger, sadness, it didn’t make any difference, it wouldn’t change what was going to happen to her.

Movement outside the double glass doors on her left caught her attention, and she gasped when a figure slipped into the room.

It was dressed like the rest of the guards here, but it moved like …

“Christian.” His name came out on a sob as a barrage of emotions hit her at once. She’d tried to be strong and hold it together, but knowing she was facing certain death was terrifying, especially knowing what the death of her and their baby would do to Christian.

“Hey, sweetheart,” he whispered as he came toward her.

Lila scanned his body in search of injuries. He seemed to be moving easily, and his handsome face had no new wounds. She so badly wanted to grab hold of him and kiss him until all her fear receded and she could breathe normally again.

“What did you …? How did you …? Are you okay?” she asked.

“Fine, darlin’,” he assured her. “More worried about you. Did they hurt you?”

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