Page 67 of Covert Risk

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“Hold on, man, we’re on our way,” Bear assured him.

“I have to go after Lila.”

“Wait until we get there,” Bear said.

“I can’t, man. If it was Mackenzie, would you be able to sit back and wait?”

It was a rhetorical question, but still Bear muttered, “No. I’d do whatever it took to protect her, keep her safe. I love her.”

“And I love Lila. Plus, she’s pregnant with my baby.”

“Don’t get yourself killed.”

That was one order he was determined to follow.

There was a door at one end of the corridor, and Surf headed toward it. His plan was to find Lila and get her out of there, or at the very least hide her somewhere. If he couldn’t do that, he’d cause some sort of distraction, something to keep Zara’s little army busy until his team showed up.

As he made his way up a staircase and into a large kitchen, he found the house quiet. If he didn’t know that Lila, Zara, Ross Duffy, and two dozen armed men were here, he would be positive that the place was empty.

Careful to keep his head down, praying the uniform was enough to assure anyone who saw him thought he was just one of the guards, he began a search of the house. The kitchen opened into a large ornate dining room with a table that had to seat at least twenty. That opened off onto a large entrance foyer with another half dozen doors.

Was Lila behind one of them?

Was she waiting for him to come to her?

Where are you, honey?

Letting his gut lead him, Surf picked a door, one that was slightly ajar, and headed for it.

As he approached, he could hear someone talking. He would swear it was Zara. Was she in there with Lila?

After a quick glance around to make sure no one was watching, he peeked through the crack.

His heart dropped at what he saw.

Lila was in the room, along with Zara. She was standing on a chair, a rope around her neck looped through one of the beams in the ceiling. Zara was circling her, ranting about Kristoff and the new world they had planned.

One nudge of the chair and if the rope didn’t snap Lila’s neck it would crush it, cutting off her air supply, slowly suffocating her.

* * * * *

November 22nd

12:39 P.M.

Zara was a lunatic.

Lila had no idea how she’d never seen that before. Perhaps because as a kid, she hadn’t liked being made to act, hadn’t been interested in it, and hadn’t felt like she had anything in common with any other kids she worked with. She had made no attempt to get to know Zara particularly well, but from what she had known, Zara took acting seriously, wanted to be good, and wanted to make a career out of it.

What had happened to that girl?

How had she gotten mixed up with someone like Kristoff Mikhailov?

She supposed the why didn’t matter.

Not now.

Not when she was standing on a chair, her arms tied behind her back, and a rope around her neck.

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