Page 66 of Covert Risk

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Applying pressure with the chain, he cut off the man’s oxygen supply, stopping only when his body began to sag.

“Where are we?” he growled in the man’s ear.

Instead of answering the guard tried to fight again.

“You’re not going anywhere. I can make it quick or slow. Your choice. Where. Are. We?”

“Switzerland,” came the sullen reply.

Good, so they hadn’t left the country. His team wouldn’t have left without him and Lila which meant they were close by. “How far from the mansion?”

There was a pause. The man’s body tensed, but then the fight seemed to drain out of him as he accepted that he wasn’t walking away alive. “Approximately one hundred kilometers.” The man rattled off a location.

A doable distance if he could get his location to his team. All he needed to do was get to Lila, hide her somewhere safe, then wait for his team. “How many guards?”

Another short pause. “Twenty-five of us.”

This guy would be dead within the minute, meaning there were another two dozen to go. Not great odds but not terrible either. Especially since he had the element of surprise on his side. Plus, the guy had a weapon on him. “Zara and Ross Duffy still here?”

The man squirmed slightly, but Surf got the impression it wasn’t because he didn’t want to answer. “They’re here, but we work for her.”

“She’s Kristoff Mikhailov’s partner,” he said. They suspected, but he wanted confirmation the actress was Dark Beauty.


“Is Lila Angeletti still here?”

More squirming. “She’s here, but Ms. Duffy’s plans have changed.”

Surf stiffened. “Changed how?”

“She’s impatient, tired of waiting.”

“How does that affect Lila?” He was getting a bad feeling in his gut. The plan seemed to be that Zara would keep them alive until she had all of Alpha Team and their families, then kill them all, making him and the guys watch as their women were killed. He’d also assumed part of the deal was that Ross got access to Lila. He’d been afraid she’d be raped, but he hadn’t thought her life was in immediate danger.

“She is to be a sacrifice.”

“A sacrifice?”

“To bring in a new world. Lila is a celebrity. Her death at the hands of her rapist will cause widespread unrest. Ms. Duffy intends to use it to her advantage.”

“You mean she’s going to set up her husband and then try to use that to destroy the government and stage a coup.”

The man’s silence was his answer.

With one swift move, he snapped the man’s neck and let the body drop. Changing out of his clothes, he put on the ones the guard had been wearing, then put his clothes on the man and snapped the metal cuff around his ankle. Hopefully, if anyone else came down here, this would buy him a little more time.

Locking the door behind him, he switched through channels on the radio until he found the one his team used. There was a chance they would be out of range, but he had to try.

“PAT5,” he said into the radio, using his Prey security code. Each team member from all of Prey’s teams had a unique one they could use if they were on an insecure line and needed to identify themselves.

“Surf?” Bear’s voice replied moments later.

Relief hit him hard at the sound of his team leader’s voice. “Yeah.”


At Bear’s order, he rattled off an extremely brief recount of the last few days and then his location. “I need you guys here sooner rather than later. Seems like whatever Zara Duffy’s plan was, it’s changed. Lila likely doesn’t have long.” As much as he hated admitting that, he was free, he was going after her, and his team would already be preparing to come after them. An hour tops and they’d be here.

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