Page 65 of Covert Risk

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Something bad.

The sound of a key in the lock had her stumbling backward.

When the door swung open to reveal Zara flanked by half a dozen heavily armed guards, in her hurry to get away from them, Lila fell, landing heavily on her backside, her injured ankle screaming out a protest.

“Hello, friend.” Zara’s smile was creepy. “You get to be the sacrifice to bring in a new age.”

Not just a sacrifice for Zara to bring about whatever plans she and her insane lover had cooked up, but bait for Alpha Team and punishment for them killing Kristoff.

Chapter Seventeen

November 22nd

11:47 A.M.

He was getting impatient.

Surf was antsy. His strength had returned, his head was clear with the drugs out of his system, and now he wanted to get out of this cell, get his girl, and get her someplace safe.

It felt like hours had passed since he first woke up, his best guess was at least twelve, and so far nobody had come to see him.

Even though he knew sooner or later they would, Zara wanted him alive so wasn’t going to let him starve to death, he was starting to struggle to hold onto any semblance of calm.

The longer he was stuck in there, the more his concerns for Lila grew. She hadn’t replied to any of his calls, so he had to assume she wasn’t being held down here in the basement with him. The other cells were most likely there to house the rest of his team when they were lured out here.

At least he knew they were alive.

Before having him drugged back at the cabin, Zara had spoken of her plans to collect each member of his team like they were chess pieces. That meant they hadn’t been killed in the explosion at the Swiss mansion. It was a relief, a weight off his mind to know they were alive, but he felt antsy without them by his side.

They were a team, and he hated not having them at his back.

A change in the atmosphere alerted him to the fact that someone was coming before he heard any sounds.

Shifting his body so his weight was on the balls of his feet, he waited in the dark back corner of the cell like an animal ready to pounce.

And he was ready to pounce.

More than ready.

The footsteps came closer, echoing in the empty space. There was only one set, so it was going to be no trouble taking out the man. Hopefully, he was armed and also had a radio on him.

With the room almost completely dark when the man stopped outside the door, Surf could see him tense. With the hall’s light backlighting the man he could get a better look at him than the man could get at him. At worst he’d be nothing but a shadow. At best he’d be completely invisible.

A key slid into a lock, and then a moment later, the door swung open.

“Breaking the light’s not going to change anything,” the man said, chuckling like he was so confident that he had the upper hand.

Arrogance was going to get him killed.

Timing was everything, and Surf watched and waited while the man continued to laugh to himself as he set down a tray with some food.

His knife was in his pocket, his hands wrapped around the chain, ready to use it as a weapon.

Before the guard could straighten, Surf lunged.

Since the man wasn’t expecting him, he had the chain around his neck, his body yanked up flush against his before he even thought to fight back.

Surf felt surprise ripple through the man’s body before he snapped to it and began to struggle. His struggles were useless, Surf had all the leverage, plus he had a whole lot of anger raging inside him and only one person here to outlet it on.

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