Page 59 of Covert Risk

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The gun fell from her hand, and she could hear a steady stream of curses coming from the man as he kicked her several more times.

Dizziness and pain swamped her, and she was aware of footsteps moving away from her.

Vainly she tried to push up onto her feet.

Christian was counting on her.

“Lila?” his weak voice called her name.

“Christian!” she cried back. It did not take a genius to figure out what this man had in store for her, and as much as she was afraid and sick about it, what scared her the most was knowing it would kill a piece of Christian. Even if they survived, he would never be the same, and she was afraid that having to watch her live out both of their worst nightmares right in front of him would break him.

“Oh, no you don’t,” their assailant muttered as he grabbed Christian’s arms and yanked them behind his back, binding them with rope.

“Leave him alone,” she said, moving closer and trying to knock the man’s hands away from Christian.

Swatting at her like she was nothing but an irritating fly, he sent her tumbling sideways. Her entire body hurt so badly, new bruises on top of old ones, and one night of sleep in a bed wasn’t enough to wipe away the exhaustion of the last few days.

Although she did her best to pull herself out of his grip, when the man picked her up and carried her toward the bed she couldn’t stop him.

Just like she couldn’t stop what was coming next.

Any satisfaction she got at seeing blood on his face was hollow as he threw her onto the mattress and proceeded to grab her limbs and one by one tie them to the bedposts. The rope tore at the skin on her wrists and ankles as she fought against them. He’d tied the ropes tight, and the pain in her likely broken ankle was excruciating.

Still, she would take it every time over what was coming next.

“Touch her and die!” Christian roared. When she looked at him, she could tell that his head was clearing, he looked furious and deadly, and she had no doubt that given enough time he could get himself out of those ropes.

She also had no doubt he would follow through on his threat with zero remorse.

Lila was sure this was the man who had shot at them the other day. Somehow, they’d found his cabin, and now he was here to finish what he’d started.

After he raped her.

“Don’t think you’re in any position to be doing any killing,” the man mocked. He spoke English clearly although his Swiss accent said Switzerland was his home.

His leering gaze was fixed on her breasts and then traveled slowly down her body. She wished more than anything that she had put her clothes on this morning. Because they were still damp, she and Christian had decided to let them dry by the fire until they were ready to go. He had been partially dressed because he’d gone out to go fishing, but she was completely naked.

Completely vulnerable.

Completely helpless.

“Don’t touch her,” Christian said, his voice low and dangerous, and she could see he was straining against his bonds, desperate to get to her.

When the man’s hands touched her body, Lila squeezed her eyes closed. “Don’t watch, Christian, please,” she begged. Their chances of surviving this were slim, but if they did, she didn’t want him to have to live with the images of her rape inside his head.

“I don’t mind an audience,” the man said with a laugh as he unzipped his pants and climbed onto the bed.

His body was heavy, and it smelled bad. His breath was hot against her neck, and when his lips touched her skin it took everything she had not to throw up.

But worse was when his thick length pressed between her spread legs.

Tears leaked out the corners of her eyes, and she kept them scrunched closed, not wanting to see his face as he violated her.

“I’ll kill you! I will rip you to shreds!” Christian was screaming, but Lila let her mind wander.

Maybe she could hide inside it and avoid the worse of the assault.

Was that possible?

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