Page 58 of Covert Risk

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Slamming his body into the man’s, they both hit the cabin floor hard, in a tangle of limbs. Surf got in a blow to the man’s abdomen and then one to his head before the man had a chance to retaliate.

Playing dirty, the older man—who was more resilient than he looked—aimed a blow directly at the bullet wound on Surf’s shoulder. Still recovering from hypothermia on top of being shot his strength wasn’t what it usually was.

The blow caused enough pain that he momentarily lost concentration.

One moment was all it took.

The man threw a punch that connected with the side of Surf’s head, stunning him slightly.

“Lila, run,” Surf ordered. She was naked and injured, but she had to get out of there. Facing the elements would be better than what he knew this man had planned for her. She knew what direction they’d been heading in, all she had to do was keep going, and eventually, she’d get to the mansion.

Surf just managed to dodge the next blow to the side of his head, and instead got the other man in the gut again. The older man heaved as air was shoved from his lungs, but in a last-ditch effort, he swung the weapon and slammed it into Surf’s temple.

Just like that it was lights out.

* * * * *

November 21st

8:58 A.M.

“No!” Lila screamed as Christian sagged against the floor.

Whoever this man was he was big and strong. If Christian hadn’t been shot, lost blood, and then battled hypothermia because he’d had to jump in the river after her, he could have taken him easily.

But weakened as he was the man had managed to knock him out.

Red rage blinded her for a moment.

This man had hurt her man.

That was not in any way acceptable.

The fury was enough to send her flying across the room toward him. There was no pain in her ankle, she was beyond feeling pain. The anger that this man had attacked them, hurt Christian, and was staring at her naked body like he wanted to take something he knew she wouldn’t give him, was enough to wipe everything else away.

Christian wouldn’t be pleased that she was putting herself in danger instead of trying to escape, but they both knew she didn’t have the strength to escape right now. With her ankle she wouldn’t get very far, and she was naked, the elements would claim her far too quickly if she had run while Christian and their attacker were fighting.

Slamming her body into the man’s, she hit with enough force and with the element of surprise on her side that she actually took both of them to the ground.

Lila had no plan. All she knew was that she wasn’t letting anyone hurt her man. He’d been through enough, and no one was messing with the happy ever after they both deserved. Christian had saved her life when he’d tackled her and taken a bullet for his trouble. He’d saved her again by jumping in the river after her, she loved him, was protective of him, and they were in this together.

A team.

Now and for the rest of their lives.

Knowing she was too weak to deliver a blow hard enough to stun him. Instead, Lila did what she could. She kneed him in the groin and got a very satisfying howl of pain, then she followed it up with a strike to his nose, much like the one she’d given Ross the day she escaped.

The man cursed at her, and hoping he was distracted enough not to stop her, Lila scrambled for the weapon he’d dropped when she tackled him.

Her fingers curled around it, and she swung it up and toward their attacker, fully prepared to shoot to kill. She might never have touched a gun before a few days ago, and she had never tried to hurt someone before she’d attacked Ross to get away from him, but this was about survival.

Her life, Christian’s life, and their baby’s life.

There wasn’t anything she wouldn’t do for them and the life they wanted.

Just as she was moving her finger to the trigger, pain exploded in her head.

Another blow came to her hip, and then her thigh, and her chest when she slumped sideways.

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