Page 60 of Covert Risk

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Lila didn’t get a chance to find out.

Just as she felt him prodding at her entrance, the door to the cabin banged open, and the sound of a gunshot cracked through the small room.

Something wet splattered all over her, and then the weight of the man’s body was crushing her against the mattress.

“You,” Christian growled, and Lila’s eyes snapped open.

In the doorway stood Ross and Zara and a couple of their henchmen. Ross had a gun in his hand, and she realized he’d shot the man who owned the cabin.

“I don’t share,” Ross said as an explanation even though no one had mentioned anything. As she watched, he stalked across the room. Despite the fact that he and Zara must have been hiding out in the forest for as long as she and Christian had, he looked clean and refreshed, dressed in a dark gray suit with a gray woolen coat.

When she noticed his nose was swollen and he had two black eyes, she couldn’t help a smug smile.

She’d done that.

She might not have much power right now, but she wasn’t completely helpless.

There was nothing that would make her give up. She would fight. Christian would fight. And somewhere out there was his team. Lila had to believe they were okay and would be looking for them.

“We have them now. Can we hurry up and get out of here?” Zara snapped. “At least you killed the old man so we don’t have to pay him.”

“Don’t do this, Zara,” Christian said. “My team will be coming for you and if you kill us all of Prey will be out for blood.”

Zara laughed. “I don’t want you dead. Not yet anyway. Not until you and the rest of your team watch the women you love die in front of you like you made me watch Kristoff’s murder. Only then will I kill you. For now, you’re coming with us.”

With a nod at their bodyguards, two men moved, one toward her and one toward Christian, who was still fighting against the ropes binding him. Both of the henchmen pulled out syringes and small vials.

The intention was clear. She and Christian were going to be drugged and abducted. Held until Zara had possession of all the men on Alpha Team and their partners. Then they would be executed.

Except maybe for her.

From the look Ross was giving her, she wondered if he planned to keep her for himself.

His own personal sex slave.

Lila wasn’t sure which option was worse.

Chapter Sixteen

November 21st

9:52 P.M.

His damn head hurt.

Even as his brain struggled to fit all the puzzle pieces together, Surf knew he had failed.

Not himself, but the two most important people in the world to him.

Lila and their baby.

That sense of failure ran deep. Deeper than any pain, deeper than any drugs, deeper than any lingering sense of confusion.

It was soul-shattering.


Crushing to the point where he almost couldn’t focus.

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