Page 57 of Covert Risk

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“B-between my legs,” she murmured.

“Right here, baby?” Her legs parted, and he brushed a fingertip across her center. “Already so wet for me.”

“Mmm. Yes. Please, Christian, touch me there,” she begged.

“Like this?” He brushed his finger through her juices again, coating it in her arousal before sliding it inside her.

“Yes, please …”

“You need more, sweetheart?”

“More. Yes. Please.”

Somehow her begging seemed to make her even sexier, and he slipped another finger inside her. His length stood to attention, practically begging to be allowed to be the one buried in Lila’s heat, but for now this was about her girl. She’d been such a trooper, walking on a likely broken ankle for days, no complaining, holding on even though she was scared and tired, the least she deserved was a mind-blowing orgasm.

“Oh … that’s … so … good,” she panted when he started working her hard little bud.

“Come on, baby, let me watch you fall apart.” Stroking as deep as he could, his thumb pressed hard on her bud, and she blew apart.

Her internal muscles clamped around his fingers, her hips undulating, riding out the wave of pleasure as he continued to apply pressure on her bundle of nerves dragging things out for as long as he could.

“So beautiful,” he whispered, dropping another kiss to the top of her head.

“I agree. She’s stunning when she’s coming,” a crude voice mocked from the doorway.

Their heads whipped around to find a man dressed in flannel and a thick woolen coat, with a fur hat on his head standing there looking at them.

Surf withdrew his hand from Lila’s body and lunged for his weapon while simultaneously throwing his body between hers and the threat.

“Uh uh.” The man shook his head, his own weapon aimed at them. “I don’t think so.”

He weighed his options. He could make a move for the weapon, but that would risk Lila getting hurt. With her ankle, she couldn’t run even if he caused a distraction, and while he’d take a bullet for her any day, he needed to be able to protect her.

This was his fault.

He’d gotten complacent.

No one had come back to the cabin the day before, and he’d allowed himself to believe they were safe here. That whoever owned this place was likely tucked away in a house in a nearby town, that this was just a cabin used on occasion, not someone’s permanent home.

He had lowered his guard, and because of that, they were now both being held at gunpoint.

“Easy,” he said, holding up his hands. There was something familiar about the man, and he was almost certain this was who had shot at them, but he had to see if there was a way he could talk them out of this. “My girlfriend is hurt, she fell in the river. We just came here to warm up. I’m happy to pay you whatever you want as compensation for us using the cabin overnight.”

“Oh, I’m going to be compensated all right,” the man said with a tone Surf didn’t like one bit. Lust glittered heavily in his eyes, and Surf hated that Lila was naked and so very vulnerable. “Girlie, move over to the cabinet, grab the rope and tie your man up. Don’t want him trying nothing.”

Instead of moving, Lila stayed right where she was. He could feel her fear like a living, breathing entity filling the cabin. Keeping her safe was all he cared about, and one distraction was all it would take to eliminate this threat.

“It’s okay, honey, get the rope,” he told her.

Still, he felt her hesitate.

“Do it or I shoot your man,” the man ordered.

Behind him, he felt Lila get to her feet and heard her hiss of pain as she took a step, but as she moved out from behind him and into their attacker’s line of vision, as he had known it would, the man’s gaze swung toward her.

There wasn’t a man alive who wouldn’t focus his attention on a naked woman.

Taking advantage, Surf pounced.

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