Page 29 of Loud Places

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Austin nodded. Feeling the blunt head of Austin’s cock against his hole, Matty closed his eyes and melted into the soft pillow. It smelled of lavender and Austin. The salty ocean and the cinnamon scented bodywash he used. It was unlike anything he’d ever felt before. The stretch and the burn. The tightening sensation in Matty’s own cock as all blood seemed to migrate towards his abdomen. He felt lightheaded and disconnected from his surroundings as Austin carefully entered him. A sudden need to pull Austin all the way inside consumed him, and he tilted his pelvis, inviting his boyfriend even deeper inside him.

“Fuck, sweetheart,” Austin growled as he buried himself inside Matty. His voice was filled with pained restraint. Sliding his arms around Matty’s back, Austin stilled against him, his warm breath coming out in short, uneven pants. It wasn’t painful exactly, but it wasn’t pleasurable either. It was something in between which Matty had no word for. Searching his mind, he clenched around Austin’s broad length which resulted in a wince and afuckfrom his boyfriend. Chuckling, Matty kissed Austin’s damp shoulder.

Looking down into Matty’s eyes, an awestruck expression on his face, Austin was the most beautiful Matty had ever seen him.

“You good?” Austin forced out.

“Yeah, I’m good,” Matty smiled. “You can move now, Austin.”

“You sure, sweetheart?”

“I’m sure.”

“I don’t think it’s gonna be a marathon this time but if you’re not too sore afterwards, we can go again,” Austin shrugged apologetically.

“That’s okay, Austin. I don’t need it to be a marathon. I just need it to be you.”

And it was. Quick. And sweet. And a little awkward. And everything in between and so much more. It was Austin’s heaviness on top of him and his hardness inside him. It was the deep softness of his voice and his words of reassurance all around him. It was everything that Matty had never thought he’d get in life. Someone treating his body with delicate carefulness and awe. Like his body was a treasure that needed to be guarded and worshipped even. And when Austin’s cock repeatedly hit that spot deep inside him, Matty could no longer contain the emotions sweeping through his body. Looking up into the cream-colored ceiling through a veil of tears, Matty buried his fingers in Austin’s damp hair while his body relaxed into the sweet oblivion of his imminent orgasm.

And Austin’s prediction had been right. It didn’t take long before he spilled inside Matty with a loud groan. And even though Matty didn’t reach his own climax at the exact same time as they always did in the movies, it was still the best fucking moment in his entire eighteen-year-old life. Because it was everything and it was Austin.

And they did go again a little later after Austin had shown him a glimpse of heaven with his mouth. And even though Matty was a little sore and the sheets were a whole lot sticky, it was still fucking awesome.

And then it was suddenly five minutes to midnight and Austin drew him against his warm, sweaty chest. And just as Matty was drifting off to sleep, sated and spent, Austin pulled him even closer, mumblingmy Matty, my beautiful Mattyinto his hair. And in that moment Matty realized something. Something he’d never thought was possible.

That he not only loved Ethan because he’d love Ethan for as long as he lived. But that he also loved Will and Millie. And now he loved Austin, too. And the best thing about this realization was that Matty’s fucking asshole of a father had been wrong. He’d been so fucking wrong. Because Matty knew that they loved him, too. And that he deserved it.


Ethan – Now

“YOU SURE THISis a good idea?” Ethan looked hesitantly at the entrance to the bar where a wooden stool had just come crashing to the sidewalk in front of them.

“Sure,” Avery grinned. “It’ll be fun. You, me, a couple of beers. Soaking in the local atmosphere.”

“Avery…” Ethan savored the excited look on Avery’s face as he stood bouncing on his feet, his blond locks pulled back in a ponytail. An image of his hand twisted tightly around the very same ponytail flashed through Ethan’s mind.Are you choking yet, Avery? That’s it. Choke on it. You look so pretty when you choke on my cock.Shaking his head, he looked at the bright green neon sign above the entrance.Debbie’s.Fuck. He needed to get a grip. He’d come no more than an hour ago and he was getting hard again. Avery was turning him in to a walking, talking nymphomaniac.

“It says in the window that it’sfun & chill.And we can still make the happy hour,” Avery nodded at the small, faded sign in the window.

“That could mean anything,” Ethan shook his head. “Funis a very broad definition, Avery. So’schill.It probably means something very different in Clarksville, Tennessee, than it does in Boston.” They were on their way to The Land Between the Lakes, making an overnight stop in Clarksville, just north of Nashville where they’d spent an entire day touring the old record studios and visiting the Grand Ole Opry amongst other places.

The door burst open again and a couple stumbled out along with the sound of loud old-school rock music. The guy had his tongue so far down his lady friend’s throat that Ethan was impressed at her gag reflex. Her skirt had ridden up the back of her thighs revealing a tattoo on her right butt cheek.Clarence.Ethan wondered if Clarence was the guy currently doing a tonsil examination on the woman. Or maybe a childhood pet. Clarence would be a great name for a dog, he figured.

“See? Fun,” Avery repeated as he nodded at the enamored couple. “C’mon, man,” Avery grinned as he headed for the entrance, and Ethan trailed behind him, bracing himself.

The bar was packed tight, music blasting from a jukebox in a corner. Two overly tattooed bartenders were running back and forth behind the bar, handing over beers and shots like nobody’s business. The patrons crowded around the bar appeared to have been taking advantage of the happy hour and were at various stages between blissfully wasted and heavily intoxicated. The dance floor was one big, moving ocean of bodies. Short skirts, tight jeans, cropped tops and cowboy boots. Most appeared to have reached their weekly intake of alcohol several hours ago and were now just swaying mindlessly to the music. Ethan stared at his phone. It wasn’t even 10 p.m. yet. Yeah, this place was a real dive and Avery looked like a fish outta water in his oversized, green shirt, tight, black jeans, and messy ponytail.

“Beer?” Avery grinned at him, eyes fixed hypnotically on the dance floor. His blue eyes had turned indigo in the dim light from the phosphorescent lamps in the ceiling.

“Sure, why not?” Ethan smiled back, sucked in by the seductive undercurrent of Avery’s deep voice. He wasn’t allowed to drink legally, but he somehow doubted that anyone in this hellhole of a bar would care if he had a beer or two.

After a second round of beers, Avery jumped from the bar stool, clasping his hands, winking at Ethan.

“Let’s go, country boy,” Avery smirked as he began moving through the sea of people towards the jukebox. Ethan scooted down the stool and followed him, admiring his slim waist and hips as they swayed sexily to the music. Coming to a stop in front of the jukebox, Avery pulled a handful of coins from his front pocket.

Ethan looked at the screen. He was surprised at the variety of musical genres since old-school rock and country music had been blaring non-stop from the speakers since they’d entered the bar. Avery’s black-stained index finger moved along the different genres and stopped atindie/alternative.His blond brows scrunched in an adorable frown, his lips moving as he went through the song choices. Suddenly his face lit up and it appeared he’d found something to his liking. Probably some sad nineties brit pop song about sex, cigarettes, and suicide. Dropping in a few coins, Avery pressed the button and nodded towards the dance floor.

It didn’t take long for Ethan to forget about his surroundings. The next couple of songs were familiar country hits and he and Avery were immediately swallowed up by a sea of moving bodies. Avery, who had the broadest grin on his face, immediately caught the attention of a group of giggling, intoxicated women. Shrugging his shoulders at Ethan, he began dancing with the group of skimpily dressed girls, while they tried to outdo each other at screaming along to the lyrics about cheating boyfriends, second chances and sunsets.

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