Page 30 of Loud Places

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Ethan found himself just as spellbound as the group of women by the glorious being dancing in front of him. Oblivious to his audience, Avery swayed his hips to the music, a strand of blond hair escaping from his ponytail. A girl yelled something at him over the music and Avery laughed loudly, his head tipped back with abandon, revealing his corded neck muscles behind his smooth skin.

In that moment, Ethan realized something. He was the happiest he’d been since Matty had run away. Not only was he totally consumed with his attraction to Avery and his desire for him. No, Avery had become a friend. Someone he confided in. Someone who listened to him. Took him seriously. And someone he had unrestricted fun with. A tightness in Ethan’s chest reminded him that they would soon reach Boston and would then have to go their separate ways. And he realized that he didn’t want that. The thought of not seeing Avery every day, of not waking up next to him, scared him shitless.

In the background, the music shifted, and a deep, melancholic voice stood in sharp contrast to the upbeat guitar music. Suddenly, he felt Avery’s hands clasp around his, pulling him with him.Of course. This was Avery’s song. It couldn’t have been anyone else’s. The ironic discrepancy between the sadness of the voice and the lightness of the music. Avery pulled him against him, wrapping his arms around Ethan’s shoulders. His sugary breath against Ethan’s ear, his voice spilling from his lips.Take me out tonight. Because I want to see people and I want to see life.

Tightening his arms around Avery’s slim waist, he forgot everything around him. There was only the sweetness of Avery’s breath against his chin and the intoxicating smell of his hair. All the noises faded into the background, Ethan’s chest expanding with joy and an unrestricted sense of freedom. If only life could always be like this. Holding someone like this. And not only someone. Avery.

Opening his eyes, he was met by an abyss of blue and it dawned on Ethan that he hadn’t seen the usual hint of sadness in Avery’s eyes for several days now. Avery smiled at him, a soft curl at the corner of his mouth. And as the rhythm shifted, he continued to mouth the words of the song.There is a light and it never goes out. There is a light and it never goes out. There is a light and it never goes out.

Ethan didn’t know how long they danced for. As Morrissey’s soulful voice was replaced by another classic rock tune, the moment was gone and they continued to dance with the group of women, until their feet hurt, their ears rang, and their throats were raspy from singing.

Bursting through the exit of the bar several hours later, they were met by heavy torrents of rain, the curb a river by now. Still intoxicated, Avery laughed at him, cheeks red from the dancing. Pulling Ethan along with him, he ran into a deserted alley next to the bar. Away from the view of the street and the brightness from the streetlamps, Avery pushed him against the wall next to a dumpster and what was most likely the back entrance of the bar.

“Avery…” he mumbled against wet lips, the rain sticking to their shirts and clinging to their hair.

“Ethan,” Avery mimicked, a challenging flicker in his eyes, before he leaned in and sucked on Ethan’s neck.

“Shit, Avery, what are you doing?” Ethan hissed, the suction of Avery’s lips pulling his skin tight.

“What does it look like I’m doing?” Avery moaned as he started unbuckling Ethan’s pants determinedly.

“Fuck, baby, what if someone comes? Let’s go back.”

“Can’t,” Avery gritted out. “Need you now. Like this. In the rain.” Pushing Ethan’s pants down, his briefs along with them, he started unzipping his own jeans, fighting to get the drenched fabric down his thighs. He stopped mid-thigh, his hard cock slapping against his wet shirt and Ethan couldn’t stop himself from pulling Avery against him, plunging his tongue into his mouth.

And then Avery suddenly spun them around, arms stretched out in front of him, hands splayed against the brick wall. Pushing his firm ass out seductively, he teasingly swayed it from side to side, the lean muscles of his thighs flexing with the movement.

“C’mon, Eth, I need you,” he whimpered as the rain trailed down his lips and chin.

“Shit, you’re fucking crazy, Avery,” Ethan groaned as he settled his hands around Avery’s hips, stilling the frantic movement.

“I know. What are you gonna do about it?” Avery pushed his ass against Ethan’s hard length, rubbing back and forth suggestively.

“You should come with a fucking warning,” Ethan hissed as he slammed his hand against Avery’s right butt cheek, not once but twice.

“Am I too wild for you, country boy?” Avery moaned, Ethan’s handprint spreading like a pink flower across his pale ass, drops of rain dripping from Ethan’s hair onto his otherwise unblemished skin.

Dropping to his knees on the dirty ground in the dark alley, Ethan spread Avery’s ass cheeks roughly. Avery wiggled his hips while a desperate groan escaped him, making Ethan smile. He loved the power he held over his lover.His lover.The word lingered on his tongue before it was swallowed up by his own appreciative moan. Avery was his lover. Ethan brushed the tip of his nose against Avery’s soft crease, inhaling his muskiness along with a hint of soap and sweat. Burying his nose against the tightness of Avery’s hole, his right hand coasted across his right hip and settled across Avery’s abdomen.

“Please,” Avery begged as he shifted on his feet, pressing his ass closer to Ethan’s face. “Please, Ethan. I need you.”

Sliding his hand across Avery’s rippling skin, his fingertips met Avery’s hardness and he wrapped his hand firmly around him and started stroking his cock at a leisurely pace.

“Fuck…” Avery cried out, as he rolled his forehead back and forth against the brick wall. “I can’t… I need…”

“I’ll get you there.” His voice came out muffled against Avery’s pink hole before he swiped his tongue slowly against it, feeling it pucker beneath his lips. “I’ll get you there, baby.” Licking across the taint, he moaned against Avery’s tangy sweetness as he continued to stroke the slippery silkiness of his cock.

“I’m ready now, Eth,” Avery whined. Ethan preened at the desperation of the other man’s voice. The pure, unashamed neediness.

“You’re ready when I fucking tell you you’re ready and not a second before,” he gritted against Avery’s alluring hole before he plunged his tongue into the narrow passage.

“Fuck!” Avery screamed, his wet shirt sticking to his back as the rain continued to pour down on them. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he chanted, while Ethan continued to spear him on his tongue, meeting the rhythm of Avery’s hips with his mouth.

“You taste so fucking delicious,” he mumbled against the drenched skin, saliva mixing with the drops of rain. “You taste like ravenous neediness, don’t you?”

Avery nodded, his right cheek resting against the brick wall, his hair soaked, drops of water dripping from his lashes.

“You taste like my little slut, don’t you, Avery?”

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