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I step into the cozy coffee shop. The place resembles a little log cabin with wooden walls and a wooden floor. Wide open windows let in a ton of light and there in one of the window seats, I see Raina and Valerie sitting in a booth.

Raina stands up and walks toward me, her arms open.

Without hesitation, I step into an embrace and give her a tight squeeze. “I'm sorry,” I say.

“I'm sorry, too,” Raina says, squeezing me back.

As we say the words, I feel a surge of relief and joy that we finally put things behind us and fixed our friendship. It's crazy to me that all it took was a simple I'm sorry.

She releases me and side by side, we walk through the bright, open and airy atmosphere toward our other friend. I sit on one side and they both sit on the other, but for once, I don’t feel like an outcast in the group. The subtle feeling of them vs. me has vanished, and I feel included, warm, happy, and loved.

“I really do want you to be happy. I was just honestly worried.” As I say the words, I know they're not quite the truth so I amend them. “That I am a bit upset that you went back on our no getting married pact.”

It’s hard to admit those words and meet her stare, so I scan the coffee shop instead while she talks.

“You're upset about the pact? Really?” She sounds surprised, then shakes her head with a sly smile. “Who knows, maybe one day you'll change your mind too.” As she says the words, I think about Michael. I don't want to admit it, but I could imagine myself marrying him. He's just too perfect for me in every possible way.

“Are we ready to get coffee?” Valerie asks, ever the caffeine addict in the group.

“That sounds amazing,” I say, thinking about the time that I'd made coffee with Michael and how perfect our time together had been.

As a group we stand up and make our way to the counter at the back of the shop, and the friendly barista with a name tag that says Dan greets us. “Hello, ladies. What can I get for you?”

I scan the menu, but I already know what I'm going to get. “Can I have a large, iced coffee with chocolate, coconut, and almond flavoring, please?”

His grin widens. “The Almond Joy. I don’t get many orders of that one.” He gestures at me with one hand. “You have good taste.” Beside me, Raina sighs and rolls her eyes. Val lets out a soft giggle.

I’m aware that the guy is flirting, but all I'm willing to do is smile and nod my head as I make my way over to the glass case next to the register, where there are pastries, sandwiches, and cookies. With an appreciative sniff, I inhale the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and note the smell of baked goods too. Reminded that I didn't have breakfast, I decide to get a gigantic chocolate chip cookie and add that to my order. Dan nods in agreement, his cheeks red as if he’s not happy I didn’t respond to his flirting.

My friends order their drinks: a macchiato with a slight sprinkle of cinnamon on it for Raina And a salted chocolate and caramel coffee for Valerie, who also orders a blueberry muffin.

We stand off to the side as he steams the milk, grinds the beans, and clinks cups together, making our coffees.

“Have to say, it is such a relief that we're back on good terms,” I say. “I missed you guys!”

“I agree,” Raina says. “And you are invited to the wedding... if you want to come.”

My heart does a little leap in my chest as I realize this time I technically have a plus one. The question is, after everything that's just gone down, do I want to admit to my friends that I'm seeing someone? And do I want to admit that it's serious enough that I might bring him to a wedding? What would Raina say after I gave her so much grief about her new man, just to find out that I also am seeing someone?

“I'd like that,” I say.

“By the way, how is your mom doing?” Valerie asks.

Raina claps a hand over her mouth, her eyes wide with shock as she stares at me. “I'm so sorry I didn't ask sooner.”

I shake my head, not at all worried about that. “She's doing a lot better. Now that she's taking her supplements, she says she doesn't bruise as easy, she doesn't feel as achy. It's as if she has a whole new lease on life. I think she's just saying that so she doesn't have to do the IV iron, which apparently burns like having molten lava inserted directly into the veins.”

“Yeah, my little brother had to have that.”

Our entire group stops talking as we glance over at Dan, who has inserted himself into the conversation. He gives his head a quick shake and lifts the cup and a giant cookie.

“Thank you,” I say, walking over and taking them before heading back to our seat so we won’t be overheard. My friends give Dan their names so he can call out their orders when they're complete before following me over.

“Is it just me or is Dan a bit of a creep?” Val asks, giggling.

Raina nods. “Just a little bit.” She turns to me again. “I'm so glad that your mom is doing better. It sounds like you two are getting along more now too.”

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