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She lets out a slight laugh. “Because I want to talk to you about it, silly, and she won't mind if I'm a little bit late. She did say that she's sorry for being angry with me and that she understands why I was concerned about her relationship with Tanner. But she also said she loves him, and he makes her happy, so she hopes I can be happy for her too.”

“Can you?”

She hesitates, as if considering my question, then slowly nods her head. “I think so. I really do want her to be happy. I'm just surprised that this is what makes her happy, if that makes any sense.”

I nod my head. “That makes perfect sense. Sometimes people change their minds, and it sounds like she changed hers about getting married.” The second the words pop out of my mouth, they give me hope. She seems to consider what I've said before slowly nodding her head.

“That’s true. Do you mind if I go?” she asks, biting down on her lower lip.

“Of course not,” I say. I'm thrilled at the thought of her making up with her friend. I'm also thrilled about her thinking about her friend changing her mind about marriage, because maybe that will let her know that it's okay if she changes her mind too.

With a gleeful smile, she leans in and presses her lips to mine. When she backs off, I lift up and kiss her again. She hesitates, her eyes telling me she doesn't want to leave after all.

“I had a really good night with you,” she says in a low, seductive voice that almost makes me not want to let her leave.

“Me too,” I say, stretching out on the pillows and putting my hands behind my head. She studies me for a minute, licking her lips before backing off.

“You make it really hard to leave,” she says, eyeing my body.

“And you make it really hard,” I say with a wicked grin.

I see her inhale as she glances toward me. I’m pretty obvious there, under the sheets, and her cheeks go pink. I think about last night, how she'd refused to let me be in charge, and we battled back and forth for control nearly all night long. It's easily the best time I've ever had with anyone, and I want more.

She shakes her head as if snapping out of it, gets dressed with hurried hands, and grabs her purse. At my doorway, she stops, turns, and looks at me. “I'll see you later,” she says in a soft voice with a sly smile.

“I'm looking forward to it.”

She blows me a kiss and leaves.

With a deep sigh, I relax back on the pillows. Watching her go like that leaves me with a twinge of sadness and longing. I wish she could stay here longer. I wish we could talk about us. I wish we could discuss the future. And I wish I could tell her that I'm pretty sure I love her.

Letting her go might be the hardest thing I ever do in my life.

With another sigh, I throw the blankets back, stand up and head for the shower to get clean from the previous night’s activities. Fifteen minutes later I'm clean, dried, and dressed.

I check my phone to see I’ve missed a call from Hunter. With a slight frown. I call him back to ask what's going on. He picks up on the first ring.

“Thank God you called me back.” He sounds exasperated. “I need your help.”

I can't imagine what I could possibly help him with, so I simply ask. “With what? What’s wrong?”

“Just... trust me. I don't want to say this over the phone or out loud. You’re just going to have to come see for yourself.” His words send my heart plummeting straight to my toes, and I can't help but wonder what the hell is going on.

Why could he need me to go to the club? What could he not say out loud on the phone? And what does any of it have to do with me?

“I can be there in ten minutes.” As I say the words, I grab my wallet and my keys. I shove my wallet into my back pocket and make a beeline for the front door.

“Just hurry up, will you?”

I can't help but wonder if this has something to do with his upcoming wedding. But he sounds panicked and desperate, which doesn’t make sense if it's just something about the wedding.

“Okay.” As soon as I say the word, the line goes dead in my ear, leaving me wondering what the hell is going on. Hunter isn't the type to panic. I can't imagine a situation he couldn't handle happening in his own club. I have no idea what he wants from me, and I hope it's not too serious.

I also hope that whatever it is, it doesn't take too long.

Because I hate Club Red with a passion.

Chapter Eighteen

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