Page 49 of Gauntlet

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“Gauntlet asked three times. I ask once; then I put the trash out. Got a nice big hole for shit like you,” Gunner murmured, and Tinsley flinched.

“I want some cash,” she said, her eyes flicking past Gunner to me.

“You needed money when you fucked me over. Put you in jail last time. Told you if I ever saw ya again, I would kill you,” I replied.

“Come on, you got the money,” Tinsley stated. “I’ve a couple of debts that need paying. Think I’d come here begging if I had a choice.”

“Gunner, throw the trash out,” Drake ordered.

Gunner grabbed Tinsley and began forcing her towards the door.

“Do they know Lucifer? What you and I did? That you fucked your sister?” Tinsley threw out in triumph. Fuck, there it was.

“Yeah, they do. Tell me it wasn’t my fault. That I’m not as disgusting as you made me feel. They’re my brothers; they know every secret there is,” I said, holding Drake’s gaze.

When I joined, Drake had got the secret out of me. I knew she might turn up one day. Shit, I’d even given him permission to tell the inner circle at the time. But Manny, Calamity, Rock, and Klutz had not been part of that then.

Drake’s eyes warmed as he looked at me. There was no condemnation or judgement, no pity or revulsion. Just the affection he held towards me as a brother. I finally glanced at Manny and the other three and saw shock in their gaze but no judgement. Clearly, Drake hadn’t told them, but they were reacting based on how the rest of the inner circle did. Calamity nodded at me. He knew there was more to the story, and the man was waiting to hear it.

Gunner slammed Tinsley against the wall.

“Oh yeah, we know what you did to a seventeen-year-old kid. How you manipulated him for six years so you could get his money. Hid who the fuck you were, and then the bombshell fell. Gauntlet had no idea you were his sister, but you knew he was your brother. Whatever shit you came here to start ain’t working. We gave you an option you didn’t choose. Now it’s my choice, and I protect my brother,” Gunner growled. He spun her around and slammed her face-first into the wall. With a nod at Rock, who opened the door, Gunner pushed her through it.

Before anyone could say anything, I darted after them to ensure Gunner threw her off-site. Tinsley was out to wreck my life. She was shrieking as Gunner dragged her up the stairs. When we got to the top, we found some of the old ladies looking in our direction. Worse, Gran was there.

Gran looked open-mouthed at the scene in front of her, and then her eyes narrowed.

“Ah fuck,” I muttered to Gunner.

Gran’s face flicked through a series of emotions, anger, pain, and then hate. Before Gunner could get Tinsley outside, Gran was racing through the room with a primal scream.

I tripped over my own feet as I tried to grab Gran, but she darted past me as I fell. I landed hard, and Gran was on Tinsley. Her first punch slammed into Tinsley’s jaw. Gunner looked bemused as Tinsley leant back against him, and then Gran had Tinsley by the hair. She swung Tinsley away from Gunner’s grip and smashed her into a wall.

“Protect Gran,” I wheezed as I got to my feet.

Gunner moved closer but watched. Gran slammed Tinsley twice more into the wall as, at the same time, she sank her hands into Tinsley’s hair and began yanking her head one way or another. Tinsley finally regained her senses and raised a hand to hit Gran. Gunner jerked her roughly away, and she collapsed to the floor. He stepped away as Gran kicked her three times in the ribs and then fell on top of Tinsley.

To a spark of amusement, I laughed as Gran straddled Tinsley, who was looking dazed from banging her head. Slaps and punches rained down upon Tinsley as Gran made all sorts of threats and proceeded to curse Tinsley out. A little shocked at such language coming from my Gran, I merely watched as my elderly Gran laid a beat down on a woman over forty years younger than her. Finally, Gran ran out of breath, and Rock carefully picked her up and started checking Gran’s hands.

“I’ve waited for fuckin’ years to get that cunt!” Gran snarled, making Rock snort in amusement.

“Guess you got it out of your system,” Gunner said, looking amused as he toed Tinsley, who curled into a ball and laid still. Her hair looked like a bird's nest; there were scratches, red marks, and bruises all over her face.

Mac appeared. “Just had a camera malfunction. Odd,” he informed Drake and proceeded to scratch his head.

“Fuckin’ weird,” Drake agreed.

“What on earth is going on?” a voice demanded, and Amberlea stepped forward.

“Let me explain upstairs,” I asked hoarsely. This was about to blow wide open. Tinsley was rolling to her knees, and her eyes latched on Amberlea. “Gunner, get her the fuck out of here!”

“You’re his new bitch,” Tinsley said and spat blood from her cut lip onto the floor.

Amberlea looked between us, and I saw understanding on her face. Somehow Amberlea recognised Tinsley as the person who hurt me. Amberlea’s head cocked to one side as triumph and satisfaction swept Tinsley’s face.

Gunner wouldn’t get her outside in time.

“I am his old girl. Fucked me for six years and was even gonna marry me. Did he tell you I’m his sister?” Tinsley dropped the bombshell and gloated. “That’s right bitch, the man you’re fucking, fucked his own sibling for years.”

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