Page 50 of Gauntlet

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Gunner cursed and yanked Tinsley up by her hair as she shrieked. Amberlea remained motionless. I saw all the emotions I expected to cross her face.

Lindsey stepped closer, gazing at me in horror. Phoe moved forward to take Tinsley’s other side.

“Amberlea, think,” Lindsey urged, her eyes on me.

“I am thinking,” Amberlea replied. Her voice was so soft I could barely hear her. I felt my world slipping away.

“There has to be more to it,” Phoe said.

Amberlea’s next words shocked me beyond belief.

“I know.”

Amberlea came hurtling across the floor as Gunner swore and dropped Tinsley’s arm. Even I flinched at the murderous expression on Amberlea’s face as she slammed into Tinsley and took her down.

“Mac, might wanna check those cameras aren’t glitching,” Drake said as Mac walked past me whistling and disappeared.

Amberlea was swinging like a pro. Tinsley could just about raise her arms. Every so often, Amberlea let out a string of words and then slammed Tinsley with another punch. None of us stepped in, not even when Amberlea sank her hands into Tinsley’s mane and lifted her head and smashed it against the floor three times. I went to move forward, and Lindsey stopped me.

“Amberlea has every right to defend her old man,” Lindsey stated. Her hand tightened on my arm, and Lindsey sent me a look of love. The expression rocked me back, and my mouth opened, but no words came out.

“You ain’t the type of guy to do what she said knowingly. You’re our brother, Gauntlet; think we don’t know you?” Phoe asked, approaching.

Gran was shouting encouragement at Amberlea along the lines of ‘Rip that bitch’s hair out! Knock her teeth down her throat, girl! Make her bleed!’ I shook my head and moved forward to grab Amberlea. Tinsley was almost out of it by now. I picked Amberlea up and got her balanced. Letting go was a mistake as Amberlea began to kick the shit out of Tinsley. In the end, I grabbed her around the waist and swung her away.

“Gunner, take the trash out. Lindsey and Autumn go with him and inform the slut of what will happen should she set foot in Rapid City again,” Phoe ordered.

Drake raised his eyebrows, looking for patience, but Gunner grinned, dragged his woman close, and dropped a kiss on her.

“Who wears the president’s patch?” Drake asked the ceiling.

“I love it when you get all alpha bitch,” Gunner said to Autumn with a smirk.

“I’ll alpha bitch you in bed tonight,” Autumn promised as she sank a hand into Tinsley’s hair and began dragging her out the door. Lindsey had hold of an arm and was helping.

“Kick her ass again to make the point stick!” Gran yelled.

Rock stood by Gran’s side. His fingers were on her wrist, and I knew he was watching her pulse. There was no need for it except her age. None of us wanted to see anything happen to Gran. He sent me a reassuring nod. Gran was excited, but her heartbeat was good.

“You! You’re an honouree old lady. We gonna get you a jacket that says belonging to Rage. Talk about kick some ass, Agatha; never realised that was under your pearls and twinsets!” Phoe exclaimed proudly.

Gran bristled and grinned.

“I wasn’t always old and delicate. Rock, I am fine; no chest pains or anything. Please stop taking my pulse,” Gran chided.

Rock looked sheepish and let go.

“You’re cool!” Carly shouted, crowding Gran. “That was so badass. We all need a grandparent like you. I wanna adopt you!”

“Think we all do,” Vivie said, stepping closer. Seeing Gran was good, I turned to Amberlea. She stood there heavily breathing, and her eyes focused on me.

“Are you okay?” I asked, moving towards her; I wanted these last few minutes with her before she left me.

“I’m fine,” Amberlea hissed, and I winced. There was anger in her voice.

“Amberlea, I was going to explain,” I said.

“I wanna kick that bitch's ass all over again,” Amberlea complained, and my eyebrows shot into my head. “She’s the one, isn’t she? The person that hurt you.”

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