Page 19 of Delayed in Venice

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I hope this is the start of a wonderful friendship.

Much Love, ‘Contessa’ Francesca.

“I like them,” David says, tucking the letter and envelope away.

“Me too,” I say. The woman writing that note is the real Francesca, ‘Contessa Vero,’ Venice royalty is the mask, and I’m happy to know the woman behind it.

“We’re leaving today, aren’t we?” he asks, biting into a croissant.

“We’re supposed to. But I’m sure Mario could work something out and call our hotel in Florence and tell them we’ll be delayed in Venice for another day or two if you want.”

“Just for tonight. I want to get lost with you in the moonlight again.”

“I’ll call down to Mario. Why don’t you open your present,” I say, picking up the box and handing it to David.

“A present?” he asks, a frown marring his brow.

“A honeymoon present. A souvenir from Venice.”

His eyes light up at my words; his love for presents is unparalleled.

He takes the box and sits down on the seat in front of the bed. Lifting the lid, he finds a black-velvet covering, and underneath is the glass swan sculpture nestled in a velvet cushion created especially for the piece.

“Jonathan…” David’s voice breaks, and small tracks of tears run down his cheeks.

“You’re supposed to be happy, not cry, baby. Are you sure you’re all right?” I ask, kneeling at his feet and lifting his chin to meet my eyes.

“I love you so much, Jonathan. I don’t ever want to be a part. Not ever. Not for a day. I’m so happy you’re my husband. My forever,” David’s words tumble over each other.

“It’s good we’re married, then, baby. Because I’m never letting you go.”

The End


Thank you for coming on this journey with me. It’s been a rollercoaster of emotions and words.

This is my third book in the Vagabond Series, and it’s been a blast remembering and sharing my love of these travel destinations: Paris, Cape Town, and Venice.

Will there be more stories in the Delayed in Love Series? I don’t know. There might be someday.

I need to thank my book bestie, Natalie Simmonite. Without you, so many of my books wouldn’t get written. You’re my cheerleaders and the best of friends. Thank you for your motivation, encouragement, and friendship.

* * *

If you enjoyed Jon and David’s honeymoon, I hope you’ll also love the novelette of their engagement.

But if you didn’t like how short, steamy, or sex-driven Delayed in Venice was, you won’t like Say Yes This Christmas.

I wrote this as a standalone prequel to Delayed in Cape Town, where David and Jon take centre stage in a short, steamy LGBTQ+ holiday romance novelette.




It’s early. Earlier than my internal clock usually gets me up.
