Page 18 of Delayed in Venice

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“Si, Signora,” Luca says, and using his fingers, he gathers the pre-cum dangling from Gio’s crown to help him penetrate the man, and even though I had already come tonight, I feel my cock harden against David’s smooth thigh.

“Alessandro, you may touch me but you may only come when I instruct,” Francesca says before licking and swallowing his cock, still keeping her gaze on Gio.

Alessandro nods his head and starts softly playing with her nipples and watching his cock being sucked by the Domme.

David’s soft fingers wrap around my cock and start pumping slowly. Francesca must have woken him from his nap, “You okay, baby?”

“Hmmm,” he hums in my neck, and I look down to see his eyes are also trained on the scene before us.

It’s not long before Gio lifts his head and implores his mistress with a look. Francesca stops playing with the cock in her mouth and says, “Gio, fuck me.”

Gio moves so fast that I almost miss the moment he penetrates her. His cock buried, and they both moan in unison. He leans forward to kiss her but pulls back quickly. That wasn’t one of his instructions. Instead, he thrusts into her roughly, that is until she nods to Luca behind him, who grabs Gio’s hips pulling his cheeks apart and drives in deep. Luca moves slowly, giving Gio a chance to become accustomed to his size, and each inch drives Gio deeper into Francesca. Her moan is loud, and she grabs Gio's face, and their eyes lock.

“Come at your leisure,” she says, and I can see the moment she gives herself up to the pleasure centred on her and Gio.

He is sandwiched between fucking his mistress and being fucked from behind. Alessandro’s dick is back in Francesca’s mouth, and he is tugging on her nipples, causing her to moan non-stop around his member. His face contorts, and then he pulls out of her mouth and comes over her breasts. Milking the last strands of cum from his dick, he leans down and cleans up his mess from her breasts.

“Gio, I’m coming!” she screams, and both he and Luca pick up their pace until they, too, roar their release.

The scene is erotic and beautiful, but aftercare is often more intimate than the sexual act, and I quietly pick up David and carry him towards the bathroom, where we dress before returning to the hotel.



The curtains shift in the breeze coming in through the window and give the sun more room to shine into the room.

David is still asleep. He’s exhausted. We’d had sex again when we’d arrived last night. I’d taken him softly, caressing him, trying to show him that he is still my everything, that nothing had changed after last night. He is still the only man I want in this life.

A soft rap on the door forces me to get up. A server is outside, with a trolley covered in silver domed trays, coffee, and a black box, with another deep-purple envelope.

“Good afternoon, sir. Signora Vero said to bring this to your room,” he says, pushing the trolley into the room before leaving.

“Who was that?” David asks, yawning from the bed.

“Francesca sent us room service, and another invitation.”

“She did?” David exclaims from the bed, jumping out and practically running to the table.

“I take it you enjoyed last night, then?” I ask, getting a robe from the bathroom for him.

“I did, and don’t pretend you didn’t like it too. It was so arousing… You were so sexy,” he says, closing his arms around my waist and rubbing his face against my chest.

“You are perfect, baby,” I reply, turning him in my arms, “Well, go on. Open the envelope.”

“Maybe you should?”

“No, I’m making coffee. You open it, baby,” I say, pouring a cup of coffee for both of us. Lifting a silver dome, I find crisp croissants and take a big bite watching David open the envelope carefully.

“There’s a note,” he says, unfolding a piece of paper.

Dear Jon and David,

Thank you for a wonderful birthday celebration. It is a memory I will cherish for many years to come.

When you did not come down for breakfast, I asked the chef to prepare a few things for you to enjoy at your leisure in the room.

Gio and I are leaving the city, but I hope to meet again in Roma. He sends his love and hopes that David’s baker can replicate his sister’s tart from the recipe. I have also included another invitation to Lussuria, for you to use whenever you find yourselves in Venice again, as well as my number.
