Page 20 of Delayed in Venice

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But this isn’t an ordinary day. It’s Christmas morning—David’s favourite day of the year. And I am about to make it even better.

It’s not that David doesn’t enjoy the other holidays or his birthday, but my boyfriend lives for Christmas time—he loves wrapping presents, loves decorating the apartment, loves shopping.

And I love David, so Christmas has become my favourite time of year, too.

Only this isn’t going to be a typical Christmas morning; today, I’m going to pop the question—ask David to become mine forever.

My heart’s racing at the thought, and I’m sure David will wake up from the sound of the rapid beating.

Trying to calm down, I glance over at the floor-to-ceiling window that leads out to the balcony of our loft apartment and see that it isn’t even light out. The stars are still twinkling in the sky.

I need to get up, can’t stay in bed, not when my body is pulsing with nervous excitement.

And fuck if I know why I’m nervous—I definitely want to be married to David—know that David wants to marry me. We’ve been discussing it for the past six months. We’ve looked at rings and spoken about the future—but my heart is still racing, my mind whirling with ‘What if David says no?’

I’m being stupid, I think as I turn and draw David closer to my chest. Holding the love of my life a little tighter in my arms, not wanting to think about a morning when I would need to wake up without David next to me.

Inhaling the fresh scent of his hair before placing a soft kiss on his head and slowly sliding backwards out of bed, leaving my little spoon behind.

I look down at the red and white boxer shorts dotted with sexy Santas I’m wearing—David insisted we wear matching Christmas pyjamas.

I’d never thought I would give in to every whim the sexy blond had, but fuck me if I didn’t get off on making David smile. Did everything to make this man sleeping in my bed happy.

I silently cross the wooden floor to the black-iron spiral staircase and head down to the open-plan kitchen/living room below. Turning right towards the front door, I switch on the hall light, only needing that one light source to help me complete my Christmas morning tasks.

First, I cross to the sliding doors leading to the balcony, draw the navy curtains back, open the doors and step out. I love this view. Love being this close to the water, even if it’s only a view of the harbour.

It feels strange seeing it at this time of the morning.

Cape Town is still sleeping. Without the constant thrum of cars and people on the street, I could hear the seagulls and the breaking of the surf in the harbour.

Taking a deep breath, I fill my lungs with the cool, fresh, salty air and finally feel my muscles relax.

I know David will absolutely say yes.

And I have the perfect plan to make David’s favourite holiday even better …

Going over every step in my head, I turn back into the apartment and slide the door closed before switching on the colourful lights of the Christmas tree, bathing the room in a warm, festive glow.

David may be mad at me for waking him up early, but he will love sitting in front of the tree opening his presents.

Moving toward the kitchen and trying to be as quiet as possible, I take out the pan of pre-made cinnamon rolls. They are David’s favourite, and I’d arranged with Pedro, the baker from our favourite bakery, to make a pan that I could just stick in the oven to have them fresh and ready when David wakes up.

I go to the hallway closet after getting the rolls in the oven. Gently opening the door, I stretch my hand to the back, getting out the navy and silver gift bag. The gift bag that will change my life—our life.

Returning to the living room, I perch on the brown leather couch opposite the Christmas tree and place the bag on the wooden coffee table.

Looking at the bag, my heart starts beating at a fast pace again—I’m about to ask the only man I’ve ever loved to spend the rest of our lives together.

This was fucking huge …

And exactly what I want.

Maybe my heart isn’t racing from being nervous … Maybe I’m just excited about making David officially mine.

Smiling, I move forward, open the bag, and take out a glittering red glass bauble I had made at a local glassblowing studio.

I open the sphere gently and place the two halves on the table. Next, I retrieve the small golden box from the gift bag.
