Page 17 of Delayed in Venice

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Jon curls his fingers and hits my prostate, and I have to clench my teeth and close my eyes to stop myself from spilling. Sir wants my cum on his lips, and that's what I’ll give him.

“Do you like watching them worship her body? Knowing they’re watching you, too,” Sir whispers in my ear, and I shiver at his words. “Come, my Prince. The swing is here, and my cock is begging to be inside you.”

I don’t have the capacity to speak anymore, so I lean back, feel his warm back against my front, and twist my neck, lifting my lips to kiss him. Needing to be grounded in him. His mouth finds mine, and our tongues entwine. The kiss is long, slow, and wet. Perfection.

Francesca’s moan breaks our spell, and we look at her. She’s impaled on Gio’s cock, and one lover is kneeling before them, licking her pussy and Gio’s shaft as he lifts her body effortlessly in his arms. The other man is behind them, playing with both her nipples. She is enjoying her birthday.

“Should we rather stay here and watch them come as I fuck your ass?” Sir asks.

“No, Sir. I want to be in the sling for you.” With those words, he picks me up and carries me to the black sling attached to a large steel frame. He gently places me in the sling and helps my feet into the stirrups, opening my legs. Being completely exposed is exhilarating, and seeing his eyes darken in lust is even better, and I know we’ll be buying a sling as soon as we get home.

“You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Thank you for choosing me every day. I love you, my Prince… Always.” Sir says, looking deep into my eyes; his stormy and so sexy, I want to come just looking at him.

“Always, Sir,” I whisper.

“Good.” Is the last thing he says before he hunches down, and I feel his warm tongue licking me from my winking entrance until he suckles my balls in his warm mouth. His thumb and forefingers play with my cock, until my breathing becomes erratic, and I feel like I’m either going to pass out or come.

“Stay with me, baby,” Sir says, suckling my cock, I feel his spit running down my balls, and I cry out in frustration.

“Here, let me give you something to soothe you, my Prince,” he says, standing, and I feel his cock rubbing against my ass and over my balls. “Play with your nipples, baby.”

As soon as my fingers tug on my nipples, I feel his fingers dig into my hips, and with one hard, deep, penetrating thrust, I’m filled. My moans are constant at this point as he fucks me hard, using the momentum of the sling to go deep—hard. Pull out slowly until only the tip remains before he drives in again—hard, punishing, delicious.

“Who do you belong to?” Jon growls, his face twisted with lust. He doesn’t want this to end, either. He lifts his left hand and wraps it around my cock, milking me, and I tighten around his cock, making both of us moan. “Who do you belong to, David?”

“You!” I husk, concentrating on containing my come.

“And who do I belong to?” His voice is strained, his thrusts growing wild.

“Me. You belong to me!” I yell, and I feel Jon flood me with his hot seed.

“Come, baby. Paint your lips,” he says as he jacks my cock, and I come hard. Long ropes of cum cover my corset and, just as he wanted, coat my lips. Instinctively, my tongue comes out to lick it away— “Don’t you dare. That cum belongs to me.” —and instead of licking it away, I stick my tongue out, offering everything up to him.

“Fuck, baby. I love you,” he growls, leaning over me, digging his cock in deeper to lick my lips and suck my tongue into his mouth.

“You taste so good, baby. Thank you.”

* * *

David smiles lovingly at me, and I unhook his feet from the stirrups. I pick him up and carry him princess-style to the chair. I settle us in the chair, David curled up on my lap, his head resting in the crook of my neck. A server arrives quietly with two bottles of water and a soft blanket. Covering David, I open a bottle, “Baby, have some water before you fall asleep.”

His eyes blink rapidly, but he does as I say, taking a few sips before resting against me. His breathing evens out, and I know he’s taking a nap.

Francesca and her subs are still in the middle of their scene. They must have spent some time watching us on the sling, and now I sit back and enjoy her scene.

She is a true mistress. Gio is guided by her every sigh, look, and touch. They must have been together for many years to be this in sync with each other. It’s beautiful to watch.

The other lovers are only tools to give her more pleasure; they’re not a part of Francesca and Gio’s permanent relationship.

Her two bottoms are lying next to her in a 69-position, giving her an excellent view of the two men giving each other blowjobs while Gio is at her feet, licking her pussy leisurely. His role is to provide pleasure, not make her come—yet.

His cock is hard and leaking pre-cum onto his stomach, his focus only on Francesca, and I’m sure that is exactly where she wants it. Her hand glides over his brow, and she smiles at him. When he glances up at her, she says, “Bene, mio Tesoro,” she says softly and gasps when he dives back, this time sucking and licking with the purpose of bringing his mistress to the edge.

“Alessandro, come to me, and Luca, I want you to prepare Gio’s ass,” she calls to the two men, moaning, fucking each other’s faces.

“Si, Signora,” they reply in unison before getting up. The blond man moves towards Gio, who is now on his hands and knees, still servicing his Mistress’s pussy, and the twink is kneeling next to Francesca’s face.

“Luca, I want you to lick and finger him until he can take your cock without lubricant. Do you understand?” she asks as Alessandro waits with his hands behind his back.
