Page 16 of Delayed in Venice

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The room on the top floor is sexually charged.

As we’ve ascended to the top floor, the sexual activities have become more open, more primal and less civilised. It’s also where Francesca left us to prepare for her birthday scene—and I want my own scene so bad.

Sitting next to Sir, sipping another glass of Prosecco—that needs to be the last glass—I tingle from his fingertips playing along the nape of my neck, and I clutch his thigh. He lowers his head to me and asks, “Are you all right, my Prince?”

I feel my cheeks deepen into a deep, flaming pink as I say, “I want to come, Sir.”

“Do you want to come here in front of all these people? In front of Gio and Francesca? I’m sure she’ll be drooling over your pretty cock as soon as she sees it. Or would you rather find a room on the lower floor or go to the hotel?” he asks, and I know without a doubt, no matter which option I choose, he will give it to me.

If I say I want to leave, we’ll leave. If I want to be fucked right here on the leather daybed, he will.

Gio approaches us, wearing only a tan leather harness with straps forming an X over his chest and fastenings over his hips. His dick is covered in a leather jockstrap attached to the harness. It’s tantalising, and I want to see Sir in a leather harness.

“Signori, my mistress asks that you join her in the next room,” he says and waits for our answer. Jon picks up our masks from the table and looks at me, his eyebrow raised, waiting for an answer.

“I am yours, Sir. Let me please you here in front of the Contessa and Gio.” My voice sounds calm, but my heart is pumping like crazy, and blood roars through my ears. We’re doing this. We’re having a scene in a sex club.

Jon nods, and standing up, he extends his hand for me to hold.

“Anything you want, my Prince,” he says as we follow Gio, passing people enjoying their sexuality enthusiastically and unashamed.

* * *

“David would like a scene, my mistress,” Gio says as we approach Francesca. Only now, she’s also changed from her long elegant brushed gold gown to golden lace lingerie. Her body is beautiful and soft, radiant. Her long dark curls frame her face, making her look like a goddess.

“I hoped that you would,” she says, smiling at me. Turning her countenance to Jon, she asks, “Is there anything you require for the scene?”

“A sling, please, Francesca,” he replies, and I gasp behind him.

“You are my plaything, aren’t you, my Prince?” he asks, his tone soft and commanding, making my dick grow even thicker.

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good, then get undressed. Everything except your corset,” he instructs, and I’m nervous. I look around at the people in the room, Francesca, Gio, and two other men I don’t know.

“These men are here for me, David. They will be my playthings this evening, as you are Jon’s. Enjoy your scene,” Francesca says from an oversized daybed draped in throws. She’s reclined, and the men are surrounding her. A blond on her right side, a beautiful long-haired brunet twink on her left, and Gio at her head. All of them wearing only their leather harnesses.

Soft, sensual music thrum through the air, and suddenly Jon is before me in nothing but his black dress pants riding low on his hips. His erection is a steel club in his pants, and my mouth dries up. The other people in the room are forgotten, and all my focus is on my Dom.

“I gave you an order, my Prince. Should we go home without your sweet cum on my lips?”

“No, Sir,” I say, quickly dropping my hands, taking off my pants, and stepping out of my shoes. Jon’s hand is outstretched to take each garment from me until I am naked, save for my corset.

My cock is erect and bobbing against my skin with each step I take towards him. He loosens his belt and lets his pants drop, exposing his large and now angry-looking cock. It’s hard as a rock and weeping pre-cum, and I can’t wait to be filled. Jon sits in a chair facing Francesca, our backs to the door, and gestures for me to come closer.

When I start to drop to my knees in front of him, he stops me with a hand on my cock. “Turn around, baby,” he husks, reaching to his left and grabbing a bottle of lube, squirting a generous amount onto his fingers. “Ride my fingers, and play with our cocks until our sling comes. Give Francesca what she really wants for her birthday… your cock and mine.”

His words put me in a trance, and I turn so I’m looking at the group opposite us, slowing slide down and feel Sir’s fingers massaging my puckering hole before slipping in first one and then another finger. My legs are splayed on either side of his, and his cock is a heavy club resting and slapping against mine as I move up and down his fingers, working my ass so he can fuck me. I look down at our cocks and moan at the sight of his monster against my more petite cock. The size difference is more pronounced now, seeing my thinner thighs draped over his thicker, more masculine thighs and my small cock next to his large member.

“May I please have the lube, Sir?” I ask before I try to get it myself.

“Hold out your hand,” he says, his voice deep and gravelly with lust. I’m not the only one turned on by all the sex in the air; my Sir is ready to blow, but I don’t want that to happen too soon.

Once I have a good amount of lube in my palm, I cover our cock, and using both hands, I work us to the slow rhythm playing through the speakers and watch Francesca and her lovers.

Gio has moved to her feet and is massaging her thighs and bare pussy with oil while the other two have one hand on their dicks, and the other cupping her breasts and tugging on her pink nipples through the golden lace.

Her moans are soft, and her body undulates under their combined efforts, but all eyes are on me and Sir, all except Gio, who is focused on his mistress. His fingers move gently through her folds, and I can see her pussy glistening from his attention.
