Page 53 of Stone King

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With thoughts of my last escapade with Mac running through my head, I lay back on my bed, pulled up the skirt of my dress and slid my fingers under my panties.

Mac had invited me to take a shower with him. We’d lathered up under the steaming water, rubbing our bodies up against one another. My breasts tingled at the thought, heightening the stimulation to my clitoris.

In the distance, I heard a voice, noise, commotion, but my mind was focused on the goings-on inside my panties.

But as I continued to think about my shower with Axel... no I mean Mac. I’d showered with Mac. Then why was Axel’s face coming to mind? And why was my oncoming orgasm suddenly so intense at the thought of him?

Oh, shit. I groaned out loud as I thought of that one wondrous moment with Axel, when we’d pressed our bodies together and held each other with more than just passion.

In all of his sexual innocence, he’d done everything right, had touched me in the most exquisite ways.

I burst out groaning as the force of my orgasm finally reached its climax, filling me and leaving me breathless and sated.

“Layla?” Kat said as she opened the door. “Are you all right? Oh!”

I raised my head off my pillow and looked at her as I quickly pulled my hand out of my panties and pulled down my skirt.

“Oh!” Kat said again as tears streamed down her face. “I’m sorry!” She turned away.

“Kat! Wait! What’s wrong?”

She slammed the door.

I slid off the bed and came after her. “Kat?” I said as I came into the living room and found her curled up in the armchair. “What happened? What’s wrong?”

“I’m so sorry. I knocked but you didn’t answer, and...”

“Is that why you’re crying? Kat, forget about that. It’s no big deal.” I shrugged and chuckled despite my embarrassment.

“It’s not that. I mean, I’m sorry for barging in, but that’s not why I’m crying.”

“Then, why?”

“I ran into Kobe.”

“Oh,” I said more calmly as I sat across from her. “What happened?”

“He was with a few of his uppity, elitist friends.”

I nodded. “Okay... and...?”

“I waved at him and said hi,” she went on. “He’s been civil with me lately... even nice. We chat. We laugh. The other day at lunch, he’d bought two pieces of cherry pie and he just passed by my table and slid one to me. It was really sweet and unexpected. But today... he was like a whole other person.”

“What’d he do?”

“He said he had no time to talk to a groupie like me. He and his buddies were on their way to pick up ‘real women’. His friends laughed while he just looked at me with disgust. Then one of his friends started making fun of my shoes, then the other commented on my hair and then the first friend said that they would never pick up a girl like me. I looked straight into Kobe’s eyes. I was so hurt. I couldn’t believe he would let them talk to me like that. He hesitated a minute, and I really thought that he was going to defend me, that he was going to tell them that he liked me, that we were friends. But, no. He snickered and nodded.”

Kat looked down at herself. She was wearing pretty black shoes with a narrow red skirt with a white and red striped blouse. She was really cute and there was no reason for them to mock her that way.

“What’s wrong with me, Layla? Why would they say that about me? Back in San Francisco, I got hit on all the time. I always had a date on the weekends and the boys always treated me nice. What’s with the guys here?”

“Good question,” I said with a smile as I reached out to pat her hand. “I think that being the sons of famed chef, Errol King, has gone to their heads.”

“So, you’re still having issues with Axel, I take it,” Kat said.

“He’s relentless,” I said. “He walks around here, all high and mighty, expecting us to all grovel at his feet. Damn. It makes me so mad. And to find that Kobe is treating you just as badly... that only makes me even more mad.”

Kat pressed a smile.
