Page 52 of Stone King

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Over the course of the following week, every time I crossed his path, he’d seemed more and more angry and bitter. It was clear that he was jealous of my relationship with Mac, and I suddenly felt a little guilty for shoving it in his face.

At the end of my Professionalism class with him, he cornered me, pushing me up to the wall all while pressing his chest against mine.

“Stop what you’re doing,” he said. “You have no idea what you’re up against.”

I arrogantly glanced at the wall at my back. “I’m up against the wall, Axel. Do you really think that Chef Mac would ever treat me this way?”

He faltered and hesitated, no longer sure of his intention.

“Chef Mac would never treat me like this.”

Axel leaned into me, pressing his hardened shaft against me and immediately arousing my interest.

“Stop this foolish game.”

“What game, Axel? The game that you instigated?”

He went blank, simply staring at me for a long moment. His breathing became labored and loud as he closed his eyes and pressed into me a little more. His lips were just a few inches away from mine. I could smell him... almost taste him.

Kiss me, I wanted to say.

He inched closer and my lips parted, eager to welcome his kiss, while my eyelids grew heavy. But the kiss never came.

I opened my eyes to see him step back.

“Stay away from him,” he said as he released me and walked away.

“I can’t, Axel,” I said following him. “I can’t stop thinking of him. I can’t stop wanting him. You don’t understand what he does to me. I’ve learned so much from him. He lights me up in the kitchen, then turns me in the bedroom and drives me crazy. I’m addicted to him.”

“You’re a fool.” He looked at me, red-faced.

“You’re jealous.”

He grunted and stormed out.

I stood there, angry, horny, and hungry.

You don’t want me to see Mac? Ha!

I took in a deep breath and headed outside, walking straight in the direction of Mac’s off campus home. I walked fast, eager to see him, eager to find relief for the fire Axel had lit.

I ran up the pathway and hopped up to the stoop to ring the doorbell.


“Mac,” I called out as I knocked on the door. “Mac!”

Still nothing.

Now what?

I looked around. Everything was quiet on the small residential street.

“Where are you when I need you?” I whispered. I knew he didn’t have any classes that afternoon.

I waited another few minutes. Maybe he was in the shower. But when I rang the doorbell again and still got no answer, I left and headed to my dorm. If I couldn’t find Mac, I would have to deal with this myself.

I reached the door to my dorm room, hurried inside, and, after a quick look around to assure that Kat wasn’t home, I headed into my bedroom.
