Page 54 of Stone King

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“Misery loves company, right?” I said.

She shrugged and nodded. “I guess.” She was silent and pensive for a long moment. “Speaking of Axel making you mad... did you hear that he got Chef Mac fired?”

Frowning, I stared at her.

“Yeah,” Kat said as if to drive the message home.

“Are you sure?” I finally managed to say.

“Yeah,” she said. “I saw him just a little while ago walking out of the dean’s office. He didn’t look happy. Apparently he headed straight to his classroom to clear it out and is set to move out of his house soon.”

I jumped to my feet, found my purse on the dining room table and pulled out my phone.

“What are you doing?”

“Texting him,” I said as I quickly tapped out an urgent message.

I stared at the phone, willing it to show me an answer.


I continued to stare.

“Layla,” Kat said softly.

“What?” I said, unable to tear my eyes off my phone.

“You can’t just stay there waiting for an answer.”

“He usually answers right away,” I said, hearing the desperation in my voice. “He always has his phone on him.”

Chapter 16


I walked off campus and straight to Mac’s house, eager to find him and talk to him. I had to hear it from him, otherwise, I just couldn’t believe it.
