Page 16 of Stone King

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I made it back to the dorm with my overdone scrambled eggs and was surprised to find Kat in a really cheery mood.

“What’s with you?” I said as I set the plates on the dining room table. “I thought you were devastated by what happened at the cafeteria.”

“I was,” she said as she jumped out of the armchair and came to the table. “But I decided to put it behind me. No point dwelling on it.”

“Good for you,” I said, noting how nicely dressed she was.

Wearing a simple straight black skirt with a pale blue button down shirt, she looked every bit a student.

“Besides, I have my first class starting in ten minutes.”

“Well then, you better wolf down these eggs fast,” I said as I sat down.

She sat beside me and looked at her plate. “Smells great.”

“Sorry, they’re a little overdone,” I said. “I got distracted.”

She took a bite and savored it for a long moment. “A little firmer and a little dryer than I like, but the flavor is really nice. The herbs that you put... what are they?”

“My grandma’s secret,” I said with a grin.

She chuckled as she quickly ate the eggs. “My first class is on Far Eastern Cuisine, and it’s taught by someone that I know.”

“Really?” I said, eating my eggs. “You know someone that works here? What other surprises are you keeping from me?”

She laughed. “Ms. Betsy Lee used to work for my parents,” Kat said. “She was the Head Chef at one of their high end restaurant in a really posh part of San Francisco.”

I looked at her and smiled. “It must be nice to know someone here. You know... a friendly face.”

She took one last bite and stood to bring her plate to the sink. “Especially after what happened earlier. I want to put that whole episode out of my mind and simply concentrate on enjoying my classes and learning everything that I can.”

After stopping at the fridge to pick up a small snack sized carton of milk, she came back to the table, and smacked her lips. “That was really good. I’ve been trying to figure out what you put in there. Really interesting. You’re going to have to tell me your grandmother’s secret.”

“One day,” I said with a teasing smile. “Are you leaving already? You didn’t even eat all your eggs.”

She nodded. “I’d like to catch Ms. Lee before all the other students arrive. But they were really good. Catch you later.”

I turned to watch her leave and suddenly felt so fortunate to have met her. So far she was proving to be really easy to get along with and she made me feel at home despite being so far away from my family.

“Are we going to have dinner together?” I called out as she reached the door.

“Sure,” she said, turning to me with a teasing grin. “Hopefully by then I’ll have gotten over what happened in the cafeteria and be able to face going there again.”

She opened the door to head out, but then poked her head back in. “Hey. Don’t you have any classes to get to?”

I opened my purse to look for my schedule. “I don’t know,” I said as I rummaged through it. I’d allowed myself to be so bothered by Axel that I’d completely forgotten about classes. “I think I do. But I don’t know what.”

“Get to it,” Kat warned. “You wouldn’t want to be late to your first class.”

Smiling, I waved, and she headed off, closing the door behind her.

Increasingly frustrating and a little panicked, I started to pull everything out of my purse and finally ended up turning the whole purse upside down, emptying the entire content on the table.

“Damn it,” I let out. “Where is it? I know I had it here. Shit!”

Leaving the last few bites of my eggs, I got up and walked to my room. Could I have left it in a pocket? No. My pretty summer dress had no pockets. I’d not worn a jacket. The only place it could be was...

Oh! Damn it! On the cafeteria table where I left it when Axel so eloquently dumped his spaghetti on my head.
