Page 15 of Stone King

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As Tilly sucked harder, my mind went to how Layla had slapped my face. Not once, but twice. The violence of it all. Yeah. I was mad. Mad that a girl could hit me. Mad that a girl could show such disrespect. But, damn... why was my cock getting harder still at the thought of her violent act?

The passion of it all. Yeah. That was it. Oh, the passion in those eyes when she hit me. Ooh. Shit, she was such a fierce and untamed animal.

Focusing in on the stinging sensation that I could still feel across my cheek, I came, spewing my pent up anger, frustration and lust into Tilly’s eager mouth.

She pulled back, letting me spill my seed all over her face, down her neck and over her mushy breasts. Looking at me with an attempt at being sexy, she slathered the sticky cum all over her.

Idiot, I thought as I looked away.

What a fucking idiot.

With a quick and sharp motion, I pulled my shorts up and put my dick away. “Get me a cold drink, will ya?” I said to Tilly.

Thrilled by the command, she got to her feet and sauntered off to the kitchen.

As I waited, I brought my hand to my cheek, wondering what to do about Layla. If she’d been a man, the answer would be simple. I would have punched the guy back, kicked him out of school and that would be that.

But Layla. Fuck it. I just couldn’t get her out of my head.

Angry and frustrated, I grunted when Tilly brought me an ice cold beer.

“Not a beer,” I said with irritation. “Get me a soda.”

“Sure thing, love,” she said, ever so chipper.

As she trotted off, I turned to look at Kobe as he shoved Selena’s head further into his crotch. Though she was clearly struggling to maintain a good rhythm, she was enthusiastic and eager to please.

Kobe grunted, the throaty sounds becoming louder and louder as he approached his climax. Finally, with his hand at the back of Selena’s head, he pushed her to take him all in as he exploded in her mouth.

Yeah, I thought dismally. There had to be something better than just getting blown by twats. There had to be more to it than just this.

And that something better was called Layla.

Chapter 6

