Page 17 of Stone King

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Marching back into the main living space, I clenched my fists and paced back and forth, my anger growing with every step.

Not only had Axel King ruined my hair, ruined my lunch and humiliated me, but he would now be the reason that I couldn’t get to class.

For a moment, I considered returning to the cafeteria to try to find it, but... When I’d gone to make the eggs, the place had been cleared. Surely my schedule was at the bottom of a garbage bin buried under soiled napkins and leftover pasta.

“Now what?”

I looked at my watch. I would have to take a chance and go to the administrative office and ask for another copy.

Rushing back to the kitchen table, I shoved my stuff back into my purse and headed out. Walking as quickly as I could, I arrived at the administrative building sweating and breathless.

“You look like someone in dire need of some assistance.”

I turned to look at the handsome man standing behind the counter. Smiling, I approached him.

He was an appealing looking older man, perhaps in his early to mid-30s. He had dark curly hair and beautiful darks eyes that seemed to continually smile. Wearing a black chef’s smock, he appeared ready to head to a class, or go work at a high end restaurant.

“Well,” I said, leaning onto the counter. “You would be right on that account. I do need help.”

He smiled and openly looked at me with an appraising gaze. “I’ll do my best to assist you.”

I couldn’t help but smile back at him. He gave off such a titillating vibe, as if fun and excitement followed him everywhere.

“I know this sounds awful, this being the first day of class and all, but I seem to have misplaced my class schedule. Is there any way that I could get another copy?”

“Tsk, tsk,” he said, his eyes playful as he shook his head. “That’s not a very good way of starting off the semester, Ms...”

“Ms. Tyler,” I said. “Layla Tyler.”

He frowned a moment. “Tyler? Isn’t that...? Oh, yes. The scholarship student, right? You’re the one who won the scholarship. Yes. We have very high expectations for you, indeed.”

I smiled.

“You won a few competitions, right? The junior level?”

I nodded. “That’s me.”

“And we received several recommendations from one of our alumni.”

“I’ll do my best to live up to everyone’s expectations,” I said. I looked brazenly into his eyes. “And you are...?”

“Mac,” he said. “Chef Mac. It’s short for Macintosh.”

“Well,” I said. “Nice to meet you, Chef Mac.”

“Alright,” he said, looking around on the desk in front of him. “So, you’ve lost your schedule...” He continued to look. “And, I just so happen to have a copy of it right here.” He pulled it out and handed it to me.

“Oh,” I said, so relieved. “Great. I don’t know how to thank you.”

“Well,” he said with that ever present playful grin. “Seeing how you’re in one of my classes, you can thank me by doing well.”

“You’re teaching here?”

“I certainly am.”

I looked down at my schedule. “Which class do you teach?”

“The World of Spices,” he said.
