Page 48 of The Rebound

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“You like these?” She lifted her hips and did a little dance to show them off. “It’s okay if you take them off, I don’t mind.”

“Hang on. I need to take a mental photo.” He gazed at her for so long that she began to ache with desire. To get him out of his trance, she lifted one leg and rested her foot on his shoulder. His eyes flew to meet hers. The heat in them gave her insides a sizzling jolt of excitement.

Still holding her gaze, he moved the crotch of her panties to one side and dragged his finger through the juices he found. Then he licked his finger and moaned.

Hot. So hot. He was making her lose her mind with his smoldering gaze and his slow touch and his blatant lust. She looked down at his boxers, which had turned into an ungainly tent of fabric trapping his erection. “I think you should take your undies off before they tear.”

“You’re going to tear them off?”

“No, your boner’s going to do that for me.”

He looked down at himself and laughed. “What, kind of a Clark Kent turning into Superman thing?”

“Is that what you call your Johnson?”

“I definitely don’t call it a Johnson.” He rolled away from her so he could take his underwear off. More muscles flexing and long limbs stretching. His sheer physical presence made her insides sing with desire. Was that what people meant by chemistry? She’d thought she knew what chemistry meant, but this felt different. All the sparks and lust had something extra involved. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but maybe it was “fun.” She felt relaxed around Jason, like she didn’t have to prove anything.

“What then?” she murmured, rolling onto her side to watch him undress.

He peeled his boxers off his body and her eyes widened as his whatever-he-called-it jumped free. His penis was thickly swollen, a beautiful rod of purpling flesh that soared proudly from between his strong thighs. Jason Mosedale. Who knew?

He glanced up at her and caught her looking. An expression of uncertainty flitted across his face. Not uncertainty in himself, she hoped. It was probably more about what she might be thinking.

“My condom’s in my shorts pocket,” she told him, to put any possible worries to rest. “Want me to grab it?”

“I got it.” He leaned over to snatch up her shorts. The combination of his long body and his thickly jutting penis sure was a sight to see. How the heck was Jason so down-to-earth and easygoing, when he was a stone-cold stud without his clothes? He just wasn’t a boaster or a self-promoter, the way someone like Dominic could be. Dominic never missed a chance to tell the world how amazing he was, whether or not it was true.

Jason just…did his thing.

And his thing was off-the-charts amazing.

He rolled the condom onto his penis; at least it fit. Then he shocked her by burying his face between her legs and spending the next few moments licking her back to full-throated, moaning arousal. She dug her fingers into the pillows on each side of her and thrashed her head back and forth.

“Oh God, oh God,” she kept moaning. Every stroke of his tongue in her pussy sent her wheeling through clouds of pleasure. One moment he licked her forcefully, the next he soothed and aroused. The way he kept her off balance, even as he stoked the fire inside her…God, it blew her mind.

“You ready?” he murmured as he lifted his head from her thighs. She ached to come again, she was right on the edge, but at the same time, she didn’t want to. She wanted to see where this would go, this electric connection they’d generated together.

“Are you ready?” she countered. “It’s got to go both ways.”

He didn’t answer, just wrapped her hand around his sheathed penis. The feel of that club between his legs made her shudder with lust.

“You’re ready,” she confirmed. Her tongue swept across her lips almost compulsively. Her inner thighs trembled and her hands shook. She released him and arched backwards. “Bring it in.”

As he positioned his cock at her entrance, she lifted her legs and wrapped them around his hips. It felt more intimate like that, deeper, and she could change the angle in case it wasn’t right.

Like a dream, he slid inside her, his flesh swelling against the saturated inner walls of her channel. He entered slowly, smooth and easy, checking to make sure his erection hadn’t gotten so large that it was too much for her. The way he constantly thought about her feelings brought tears to her eyes. It felt like…respect.

She liked all kinds of things during sex; sometimes she like wild roughness, sometimes nothing but gentle stroking would do. But the thing she had to have, every time, no matter what else they were doing, was respect. Without that, she would shut down and kick a man out of bed without another thought.

Feeling safe and wild at the same time, she closed her eyes and lost herself in his deep thrusts. He moved inside her like the tide, like the ocean, a constant thrust of in and out. She clenched her legs tighter and lifted her hips. There. Deeper. Farther. Her mind went still and her body took over. Sensation led the way, guiding her toward the promised land. More of that. Oh yeah. Right there.

And then it all came together in a fireball of emotion and sensation. Like a pair of rockets bursting across the sky, showering sparks in a rooster tail behind it. He went rigid between her legs, every muscle vibrating with strain as his climax ripped through him.

They panted together, breathing synchronized, as if the blood was pumping through their hearts at the same rate.

Then she released her grip on his hips and stretched her legs long. He relaxed and allowed his body to drop onto the sheets beside her. Neither of them had any immediate words to say, so they simply lay there next to each other, letting the afterglow spread peace and satisfaction through every happy cell of their bodies.

Finally, he stirred. “Are you cold? Do you want in on this blanket situation?”
