Page 49 of The Rebound

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“No, I’m good. Wait. Sure. I’ll get under the blanket with you.”

He gave her a quizzical glance as he reorganized the bedding so she could join him under the covers. “You’re funny. Why the hesitation?”

“I don’t know. It’s like a couple thing, cuddling under the covers. I had to think about it for a second. Then I realized I was overthinking it and I might get cold if I didn’t get under the blankets.”

He laughed over at her, his dark eyes holding light deep within them. “You want me to promise I won’t assume we’re a couple just because we’re sharing a blanket and just had phenomenal sex?”

Phenomenal sex…she couldn’t argue with that part.

“We’ve already talked about it, so we both know what we’re doing. We’re keeping it rebound.”

“Is that like keeping it real?”

“Exactly. Look at us, so grown up and mature that we talked it through before jumping into something.”

“This is some damn good adulting,” he agreed. “Be right back.” He rolled out of bed and walked toward the bathroom, his hand on his dick, ready to ditch the condom. Her eyes were glued to his bare ass the entire way. The way his muscles flexed with each step made her want to jump him all over again.

But the poor man was just recovering from a fever. She should probably take it easy on him.

She stretched her body with a feeling of satisfaction that could translate as either a purr or a howl at the moon. Damn, it felt good to have sex again. Fucking Dominic had played all kinds of mental games with her around sex. Sometimes he hinted that she wanted too much sex. Sometimes he made it seem like it was her fault they didn’t have time.

Insecure. That was what Jason had suggested about Dominic. Was it true? He’d certainly made her feel insecure. He had a way of keeping her off balance so that she was always looking to him for cues. Was he in a good mood? Did he need some space? If she got it wrong, would he make her feel like shit?

She tried to picture Jason deliberately trying to make her feel like shit, and nearly laughed out loud. It was unimaginable.

Jason ambled back into the bedroom, his partial erection bobbing between his legs. He pretended to stop dead at the sight of her in his bed. “So it wasn’t just a fever dream.”

“Nope,” she said cheerfully. “We had sex. And it was top-notch, in case you forgot that part too.”

He climbed into bed and pulled the covers over himself. “Next question. Are you a big spoon or a little spoon? Or anti-spoon?”

She rolled onto her side and plastered herself against his warm skin. Oddly, her mind wasn’t already turning a mile a minute, racing onto the next thing she had to do. That was what usually happened after sex. “I don’t have an official spoon policy.”

“Fair enough.”

“Do you?”

“I think it depends on the specific people and how their bodies fit together. Should we test it out?”

“Okay. I’ll be big spoon first since I’m already facing that way.”

He rolled over and she wrapped her arms around him and snuggled close. His warmth penetrated all the way through the front of her body. She could float there for hours.

“Well?” he asked.

“I like. How is it for you?”

“Your beautiful breasts are pressing against my back so I have no complaints.” She liked how the rumble of his voice vibrated into her skin.

“Let’s try the other way.” It took a few moments of awkward adjustment for both of them to roll onto their other side. His body curved around hers like a shield. His arm came over her, more comforting than a weighted blanket. But… “I like the other way better,” she said. “This is a little claustrophobic for me.”

Instantly he removed his arm and they shifted back the other direction.

“Better. Thank you.” It wasn’t just better, it was positively blissful.

“So you don’t like to feel trapped, is that it?”

“Something like that.”
