Page 47 of The Rebound

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“Gonna hold you to that, Jaybone.”


It’s just sex, Kendra kept telling herself. No need to get it twisted. Sex was great. She loved sex, but in her book, there were a lot of things more important than what kind of orgasm a guy gave you. She was perfectly capable of giving herself her own orgasm, if it came to that. It was a lot simpler than bringing a man into the scenario. That’s what she’d been doing lately anyway—even before the Dominic disaster. By the end, they’d both been too busy for sex.

So what felt different about sex with Jason? If she broke it down, she’d have to start with the basics. He touched her as if it was the privilege of a lifetime that he got to put his hands on her.

Who could disagree with that?

Also, he had a secret weapon. His hands were pure magic. Whatever those firefighters had to do in order to do their jobs, it resulted in strong hands with the kind of calluses that added that extra je ne sais quoi.

It wasn’t just his hands, of course. His mouth and tongue were equally skilled, though she had no idea how fireman training affected that kind of thing.

He worked his way, lick by lick, nibble by nibble, from one breast to the other, until her nipples were sending a red flare directly to her pussy. While she was still panting from that, he unsnapped her shorts and sent one long finger on an expedition into her already-slick folds. It didn’t take but a minute until he found her clit, and a few strokes later he had that bundle of nerves throbbing right along with her nipples.

She tilted her hips back and forth to give him an idea of what kind of pace it would take for her to come. They’d just started and she was already on the verge. Had some kind of slow-burn simmer been percolating this whole time with Jason? Her body was so ready for him. She didn’t want to wait. She wanted release, sweet hot release from all her troubles and worries.

Then he pinched her clit with a firmness, a dominating command—come now—and a fierce climax hit her like some kind of avalanche. She rode his fingers, grinding against him, chasing every last electric spasm. God, she needed this. And she took it. Every pleasuring second of it.

“Shit, Jason. You don’t have to rush me like that,” she managed when she could catch her breath again.

“Sneak preview.” He winked at her, dark eyes gleaming. “A little thank you for watching out for me. You take care of me, I take care of you.”

“Isn’t that what mob bosses say?”

“Probably not in bed.”

She laughed down at him, her blood humming on high through her veins. All the tension she normally carried with her relaxed with a sigh. “That was…good, Jaybone. Really fucking good. Maybe we should have done this ages ago.”

“Like when? In high school?”

“Nah, too soon. Maybe when we ran into each other over Christmas a few years back. At the Morettis’, remember? You poured me a glass of wine and I told you all about the business I was launching. I remember thinking what a good listener you were.”

“I remember thinking how hot you were. And brilliant and way out of my league.”

She scrunched up her face at him. “Don’t say that. I never thought that. Look at you. You’re a hero firefighter. You’re a hot hunk with crazy amounts of charm. Did you know that when you get sworn in, you’ll be the youngest fire chief in the history of Lake Bittersweet? That means you’re historically successful.”

“Historically successful, that’s a thing?”

“I’m declaring it a thing. Right now, I’m historically unsuccessful.”

“I call bullshit. You’re successful at the most important thing—orgasms.”

She burst out laughing. “You always try to make people feel good, don’t you?”

“Is it working?”

“I haven’t felt this good since I got my business license. And it didn’t make me come.”

In a sudden move, he flipped her over and spread her out underneath him. He settled her arms over her head. “Don’t move. I’m serious. If you touch me I might lose it.”

Her breath stopped and she didn’t bother with a quip. This was too good, watching the smooth muscles of his chest flex and tense. She was a sucker for a man’s torso, especially all those ridges of abdominals, and the hard muscles along his upper arms. It was shallow to lust after muscles; she knew that. But with Jason, those muscles were just a bonus because there were so many other great things about him. She was drawn to him for those other things—his humor, his intelligence, their chemistry. It was okay to also appreciate his physique, wasn’t it?

Even if it wasn’t, she wasn’t about to pretend he didn’t turn her on. Even though she obeyed his request and didn’t touch him, she feasted her eyes on his body as he bent his dark head to kiss her breasts, her belly, the insides of her elbows.

Then he shifted lower down her body and pulled her shorts all the way off. With fantastic foresight and some wishful thinking, she’d worn her sexiest pair of panties, deep burgundy lace with strategically placed black roses. The way he hissed when he uncovered them made her smile to herself, and high-five the Kendra who’d bought them at Minneapolis’s most expensive lingerie boutique before she left town.

“Oh my God.” His heartfelt whistle sent confidence gushing through her. Not that she wasn’t confident in general, but Dominic had really put a dent in her self-esteem.
