Page 36 of Knight's Seduction

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Was she crying? Was she upset over what just happened? No way was he going to let her regret being with him, not when the two of them together were magic. There was no better way to describe it. He’d never met anyone who made him feel this way, and he would bet good money neither had she.

“Gen.” He gently nudged her until she looked up.

And laughter bubbled from her, pure and joyous, lighting her face with a lovely vision that imprinted on his heart.

BB grinned as he watched her. He should probably be offended when she laughed after having sex with him, but she was so pretty when she was this happy, he couldn’t take offense.

“We are so stupid,” she finally managed to choke out.

He stiffened, waiting for the proverbial shoe to drop. This was it. This was her bizarre way of telling him they should never have slept together.

“Why the hell did we wait so long to do that?”

She rolled away from him, hooting with laughter. He grinned a moment before chuckling at the spectacle she made. He pulled her back to him until she straddled his torso, her breasts tickling his chest.

“You’re right. We were stupid to wait so long, but now, we don’t have to stop.”

She gained control of her laughter and finally sighed as she laid her head over his heart. “I know this changes things. It’s going to be harder to work together. I understand if after this weekend, you want to slow things down until we figure out how it fits in with everything. Or even if you want to keep it between us for now, so we don’t have to answer everyone’s questions. Because you know our friends will have questions.”

His hand ran lazily up and down her back, lightly tracing her spine with his finger. “Is that what you want?”

She sighed again. “No, actually. I don’t. But if that’s what you want, I’m good with it. I feel like I owe you after giving you so much grief.”

BB chuckled. “I appreciate the thought, but no, I don’t want to slow things down. I don’t want to keep us a secret. As far as work goes, we’ll handle it one step at a time. Syd and Panther make it work. Tryst and Kat made it work. I don’t see why we can’t.”

She raised her head to peer into his face. “In those cases, only one of them worked in the field. We’re both in the field. You more than me, but still. If we get too close, we’ll be compromised when it comes to working ops together. Are you ready for that?”

“If I have to choose between being with you or working missions with you, I’m going to choose being with you. But I think you’re jumping the gun a little. I’ve wanted you for a while, but this is still new. We’re both professionals, and we work in the field with our closest friends every day. I think we can handle it, but if we can’t, we’ll deal with it then.”

Gennessey’s expression grew serious. He rubbed his thumb over the furrow between her brows until the lines eased.

“What if one of us gets hurt while we’re trying to figure it out?”

“Physically or emotionally hurt?”

She shrugged. “Both, I suppose.”

He brushed her hair away from her face. “It’s a risk. But we face risks all the time. I don’t need you running from them now. Not when I’m looking forward to facing them with you by my side, sweetheart.”

She smiled. “Really?”

He lightly kissed her lips. “Really.”

She reached down and wrapped a hand around his cock. “Okay. Let’s do this then.” She gently squeezed his shaft, and he moaned at how good it felt to be in her hand.

“Ready for another round?” He lowered his hand to cup her firm ass.

She nodded, a devilish grin on her face. “Oh, yeah. But this time, we’re doing this my way.”

She slid down his body, and before he could protest, she closed her mouth over his cock. She manipulated the tender flesh with her hand, her lips, and her tongue. BB’s eyes rolled back in his head as pleasure flooded his body.

As she drove him to the brink of madness, he realized she ruined him for any other woman. And he didn’t mind it at all.

Chapter Seventeen

BB stirred from the deepest sleep he’d had in a long time. In his line of work, sleeping so soundly could be hazardous, but after a night of loving Gennessey, he had a reason to experience the best rest of his life. His limbs still felt languid, but he wasn’t too exhausted to go another round with her.

Only when he reached an arm out to her side of the bed, he felt only cool sheets. Turning his head against his pillow, he confirmed he was alone. Silence echoed, telling him Gennessey had not only left the bed, but also left the room.
