Page 37 of Knight's Seduction

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He threw back the covers that had settled around his hips and rolled up to a sitting position. He realized he had a text notification flashing on his phone.

Good morning. Wedding festivities started early, and I’ve been called in to help. Hope you slept well. I’ll see you at my grandparents’ later. I had fun last night. Can’t wait to continue where we left off.

Since he was alone, he didn’t bother to stop the goofy grin splitting his face. Even if he wasn’t alone, he doubted he could stop it.

After being on the receiving end of Gennessey’s cool aloofness, he had quickly developed an affinity for her sexy, teasing side. She was fire and strength with the right hint of vulnerability, and he was powerless to resist her.

Not that he wanted to. What happened between them was exactly what he had wanted for longer than he could remember.

He still had hours before he needed to be at her grandparents’ house for the wedding, so he decided to expend some energy in the hotel’s gym. Once he was sweaty and relaxed, he showered and then donned a Gennessey-approved suit of classic gray with a crisp white shirt and solid red tie. He straightened the knot at his collar while studying his reflection.

Suits weren’t his first choice of attire, but he had worn one enough to feel comfortable in it for the next several hours. He was hoping Gennessey would give him the okay to lose the tie once the reception started.

Before he left the room, he debated wearing his belt holster under his suit jacket. He was crazy to think he’d need his gun at the wedding and reception, and Gennessey would probably give him grief about it if he exposed it when he removed his jacket. But not carrying it felt unnatural because he rarely left his house without his gun.

He finally compromised and strapped on his ankle holster for his backup weapon. The familiar weight made him more comfortable, and it would be easier to conceal. Satisfied with his look, he headed for the elevator.

Riding to the lobby with a middle-aged couple who smiled at him but didn’t engage in conversation, he motioned for them to proceed him out on the first floor. He strolled across the hotel lobby, his head on a swivel — a habit he developed during his military service.

He passed the registration desk before slowing his step. He warred with his instincts. He could ignore it, pretend he didn’t see it. Interfering would make him late, but he couldn’t walk away. He wouldn’t be so late as to miss the start of the wedding, and ignoring what he saw went against everything he was raised to be.

He adjusted his route, circling back around to step behind a column in the lobby. He had a clear view of the guests and hotel staff moving about, but his eye was on the one woman.

Dressing casually in jeans and a non-descript shirt, she fit in with the rest of the guests. She smiled at anyone looking her way, posing no threat. But once no one was looking, she stepped closer and almost imperceptibly reached for their wallet or inside their purses, slipping her stolen treasures into her own bag. Then she fell into step with another group of people, becoming unnoticeable as she sized up the people in the lobby until she found another mark.

BB shook his head, amazed the hotel staff hadn’t noticed the pickpocket. Even if she blended in with their other guests, she hung around the lobby instead of moving with a purpose, as all of the other guests did. He shouldn’t have seen her, but one glance in that direction was all it took for him to witness her snatching the wallet from the man who rode the elevator with him.

Her hand dipped into an older woman’s purse, pulling out what looked like a delicate gold watch. BB made his move, cutting off the woman’s retreat. She raised her eyes to meet his with a startled gaze which reminded him of an animal caught in a trap. It only took her a moment before she scowled at him and raised her chin in an act of defiance.

“Watch where you’re going,” she snapped and moved to push passed him.

“I don’t think so.” He grabbed her arm just as he noticed Gennessey’s cousin step behind the registration desk. “You’re coming with me.”

“What the hell? I don’t know you. I’m not going anywhere with you. Let me go!”

She raised her voice and tried to jerk free from his hold, creating a scene. BB ignored her and the curious looks they received. BB dragged her over to the registration desk, meeting an angry Jimmy Taylor who looked ready to throw him out on his ass.

“BB, what do you think—”

“Good to see you, Jimmy. You might want to call the police and have them get down here to arrest this woman.”

“What?” the woman shrieked, trying even harder to pull away to no avail.

“Arrest? What are you doing?” Jimmy hissed.

BB rolled his eyes. “You need to train your staff better. She’s been moving around the lobby stealing from your guests. I spotted her as soon as I stepped off the elevator. I have no idea how long she’s been here, but in the short time I’ve watched her, she’s stolen from two people.”

BB bit back a laugh at how quickly Jimmy’s anger dissipated. “O-oh, um, yes, thank you. Carol,” he barked at the desk clerk. “Call the police and have them send someone down here.”

“Yes, Mr. Taylor.” She was already on the phone, and BB was glad because he was ready to be on his way.

“I’ll leave her in your hands, Jimmy. Good luck.”

“You can’t hold me here,” the thief spat at him before glaring at Jimmy.

“Um, BB, would you mind staying a few moments and help keep her…contained? I’m sure the police will want to talk to you, too, about what you witnessed.”

“I was on my way to the wedding.” BB settled his gaze on Jimmy pointedly. “Remember? Your cousin’s getting married today.”
