Page 35 of Knight's Seduction

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Her responding smile was beautiful, erotic and tempting. He hoisted her tight body up against him until her shapely legs wrapped around his waist. The move pulled her top down, showing the smooth slope of her breasts, high and firm and just large enough to be perfect.

He carried her across the room, suddenly thankful for all the hours of grueling training that prepared him to carry her muscled body without breaking a sweat. He preferred the sweat to come from their naked bodies being together and not from carrying her.

Her mouth hovered over his ear. Her tongue snaked out to trace the outer shell before she pursed her lips to whisper. “I don’t want this first time to be slow. I don’t want it gentle. I want it fast and hard enough to rattle the headboard. You got me, Beckett?”

“Hell, yeah.” He threw her gently on the bed, his grin widening as she bounced on the mattress and released a feminine giggle he’d never heard her utter before. It suited her, and he wanted to draw out more giggles.

His fingers fumbled as he rushed to unbutton his shirt, and she took the opportunity to shuck her shoes, her jeans, and her top. He barely managed to toe off his shoes when she removed her strapless bra, lying on the bed in only black panties which barely covered her.

BB’s movements froze as he soaked in the sight of Gennessey stretched out on the bed, propped up on her elbows, her hair falling over her shoulders. Her tits beckoned his hands to touch them, and his mouth watered at the rosy nipples hardening into tempting nubs. Her waist dipped in that sexy S curve he loved on a woman, but then her hips flared to taper into long, muscular legs and delicate feet. Her toes were neatly pedicured but had no paint on the nails.

“I knew it.”

She eyed him warily. “Not exactly what I expected you to say when you have a naked woman in front of you. But whatever.”

He didn’t bother to remove his jeans because as tempting as Gennessey was, this would be over before it even started if he didn’t keep some layer of fabric between them. He crawled from the bottom of the mattress up between her legs, pausing to nuzzle the fabric covering her mound, and then stopped when his body covered hers.

He kissed her in another sizzling meeting of lips which he was loath to end, but he had other plans for her that were just as tempting, if not more so.

Breaking the contact, his lips kissed a trail down the valley between her breasts. Then his mouth captured one pert nipple and sucked, while his hand fondled the other breast. Her sharp intake of breath showed she was as turned on as he, and he sucked harder. He felt her moan all the way to his groin.

“BB,” she said on a gasp, and he turned his attention to her other nipple, his hand to her other breast, to see if he could elicit more moans. “Please. I need more.”

He knew what she wanted. He wanted it too, but despite what she’d told him earlier, he didn’t want this to end too quickly. He wanted to worship her body sufficiently before he slid his cock into her. She may have said she wanted this to happen more than once, but he didn’t want to risk her changing her mind. He planned to make this moment count in case it was the only one he got.

Even though he could have spent a lot more time on her luscious tits, he moved down, placing his open mouth over the soft material covering her core. He exhaled against her, and her moan spurred him on. After a couple of tugs, he ripped her panties away from her. A shocked gasp escaped her lips.

“What are you doing?”

He didn’t voice an answer. Instead, he swiped his tongue between her pussy lips before sucking her clit into his mouth. He inserted a finger into her wet channel, finding her soaked. Like a man possessed, he focused his attention at her core, pumping his fingers inside her as he licked and sucked her into an orgasm that left her body shaking.

She screamed his name as she rode the high, but BB never let up on his ministrations. Just as she started to come down from her first orgasm, he urged her rapidly toward a second. Her hands clutched his hair as if to hold his head between her legs.

His arm rested across her middle when her hips started to buck. She was close. He could tell by her whimpers of pleasure, but before she could shatter from another orgasm, he rose.

“No! Don’t stop. Please. So close.” Her protests were almost incoherent, but they were enough for him to hurry.

He shoved his jeans down and stepped out of them. He pulled a condom from his wallet before tossing it and his jeans to the side. She reached for him, but he pushed her hands away before rolling on the condom.

“If you touch me, sweetheart, this will be over way too soon.”

“I need you, BB. Now!”

He lowered his body over her, lining his cock with her entrance. He dropped a kiss to her lips as his hips thrust enough to push inside her to the hilt. Her slick channel gripped him tightly.

“Jesus, Gen, you feel so good.”

“Move, BB. Hard. I’m close.”

Needing no other encouragement, he pumped his hips until he was sliding in and out of her in a frenzy. His hands gripped her hips, and her hands clawed at his back.

The mingling wasn’t pretty or romantic. It was hot and frantic and sexy as hell. He fixed his gaze on her face only to find her watching him. The desire in her eyes was his undoing. He reached between their sweaty bodies, rubbing against her clit as he pushed inside her with one deep thrust.

“Yes! BB! Ooooh!” Her words and moans caught in her throat as she shattered in his arms.

BB roared with his own release, and they rode out their orgasms together. The sensation washed over him in boundless waves, zapping him of energy and coherent thought.

As he came down from the high, he slowed his movements, but he was reluctant to pull out of her. Finally, after he realized he must be crushing her under his weight, he dropped to the mattress beside her and pulled her close. She snuggled against him, and he could feel a slight shake in her shoulders. Her face was buried in the crook of his shoulder, so he couldn’t see what was going on with her.
