Page 34 of Knight's Seduction

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The two words were like ice water showering over her head. She crawled off of him to sit on the truck bed, her legs folding at the knees to press against her chest. She heard him move to sit up, his chest pressing against her back. He pushed her hair to one side and nuzzled her neck. She should push him away, but the need to feel him against her made her too vulnerable to resist.


Her head jerked to the side, and even in the dark, she knew their eyes locked.

“So, you mean…” She let her voice trail off, the rest of the words unable to form in her muddled brain.

“I mean I want to keep on kissing you and touching you, but I refuse to get carried away in the bed of my truck out where anyone could happen by to see us.”

She could feel the heat from his gaze. Her tongue snaked out to wet her lips.

“How fast can you get us back to the hotel?”

He hissed and seemed to leap from the truck bed in one fluid motion worthy of any superhero. Then he reached for her and lifted her effortlessly to set her on her feet. Even in his haste, he took the time to secure her in the passenger seat, close the gate to his truck, grab their bag of trash, and settled behind the steering wheel. Once they were on the road, she lowered the passenger window for the air to cool her flushed face.

BB reached over and laced his fingers with hers, but she kept her face to the breeze kicked up by the speed of the truck. She waited for the doubt to seep in, but it didn’t. She wondered if regret would cause her to second guess her decision, but it didn’t. She was about to alter her relationship with the man she’d spent years keeping at arm’s length, and all she felt was excitement.

She might feel differently tomorrow. Tonight, she would allow herself to feel what it was like to be loved by Brennan Beckett.

Chapter Sixteen

BB drove the truck into the hotel parking lot, but instead of sliding into the first available vacant spot, he continued around to the side and parked there. He felt rather than saw Gennessey’s puzzled gaze, and he bit back a grin as he switched off the ignition.

“This door is close to the elevator, and we can use our key card to unlock it. We’re less likely to run into anyone this way,” he explained.

“Good idea.” She clicked to release her seatbelt, but he placed a hand on her arm to stop her from moving.

“Stay put. I’m coming around.”

It was an old-fashioned ritual, one she would likely protest if he’d given her a chance. But he was too quick to slip out and circle around to her side.

Opening the passenger door, he reached for her hand and held it as she stepped from the truck. Then he leaned in and kissed her firmly but quickly. The effect of the brief contact was startling. His nerve endings tingled, but he grinned when he heard a catch in her breathing.

He didn’t say a word. He pulled her after him, shoving the door closed as he passed and using the key fob to lock it. Then with one swipe of his key card, they stepped inside the cool air-conditioned hallway on the first floor of the hotel.

Keeping her hand securely in his, he led her to the elevators and said a prayer of thanks that they were the only ones riding it to their floor. The doors closed with a swoosh, and BB backed her against the elevator wall. His arms braced on either side of her head, and his body leaned in enough to pin her against him. His face hovered just a few inches from her, and he made sure her eyes met his.

“I want to finish what we started. I want to kiss you a lot more, but I’m not only going to kiss your lips. I plan to strip you naked and taste every inch of your body before I sink deep inside you. If that’s not what you want, then tell me now. If at any point, you decide this is not what you want, then say so, and we stop. It may kill me to do it, but I will not do anything you aren’t willing to do. Nothing will happen that we both don’t want to happen. Make no mistake, Gen. I want this to happen. I’ve wanted this to happen for a long time.”

The elevator dinged when they reached their floor, and BB moved away. He tried not to read too much into the fact she hadn’t spoken. She hadn’t told him to stop, but she hadn’t told him this was what she wanted either. They stepped inside their room, and he turned to command her to voice what she wanted.

Only this time, she pushed him against the door to their room, her body pinning his, her face mere inches away. All he had to do was tilt forward just the slightest bit, and they would be kissing. He used all his willpower to avoid giving into the impulse because he wanted to see what her next move was.

“I want to know how long you’ve wanted this,” she said deliberately, her finger lightly tracing his jaw and effectively driving him crazy.

“I wanted to ask you out the first time we met. I wanted to kiss you the first time I flirted with you and you shut me down with a sarcastic comment. I wanted you naked and in my bed after the first op we worked together. And I wanted to stop pretending I didn’t want all of those things when I saw you sing on stage for the first time tonight.”

“I wanted to say yes the first time you asked me out. I wanted to kiss you the first time you called me Gen. I wanted you naked and in my bed the first time I watched you play football shirtless in Tristin and Kat’s backyard. You have the power to wreck me, Brennan Beckett, but I decided to stop fighting whatever this is between us when you chose me over the blond bridesmaid at the bar tonight. I don’t care what it means or how it may ruin our working relationship. We can figure that out later because I want this to happen, right here, right now. I want it to happen twice, maybe three times. Are you up to the task?”

BB’s grin split his face as his hand slid through the silky strands of her hair to cradle the back of her head. He closed the distance between them, his lips devouring hers in a kiss which set his blood on fire.

He was astounded at how fast that blood rushed to his cock, causing it to push uncomfortably against the zipper. He ignored it for now because he was consumed with how amazing she tasted. He lightly tugged her hair until her head tilted even more, allowing him to deepen the kiss.

Her hand snaked between them, the back rubbing against the bulge in his pants. He groaned. Even through his clothes, her touch had the power to drive him to his knees. Of course, he would then be in a position to taste her core, and the realization left him almost dizzy with need. He reluctantly pulled away. His ego puffed to see the desire darkening her irises to a stormy blue.

“Does that answer your question?” His voice was husky, his breathing coming in pants, matching her own heavy breathing.
