Page 9 of The Villain

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But something in the deep, dark recesses of my mind wanted to claw its way out. No. She's mine.

I deepened the kiss. A growl of deep satisfaction bubbled up as she moaned and then parted her lips for the onslaught of my tongue. I wasted no time diving in, licking deep, teasing her tongue to play.

I knew where I was, what I was doing, and how well I was doing it.

But there was something I couldn't place happening. Something that made me want to relax into the kiss, to melt into her, to let her melt into me until we became one.

My mistake was not letting go in that moment, not pulling away. My mistake was going back for more. She was making this whimpering sound, like a kitten mewling. And fuck me, I went back for seconds and thirds until I was lost in the whirlwind and fire of the kiss.

I tried to pull away, to save myself, but then her fingers dug into the lapels of my blazer, pulling me closer as she pressed her lithe body against mine.

My cock was straining against my trousers, demanding and desperate. All the blood in my head rushed south, leaving me with no functioning thought processes. All that was left were primal, desperate impulses to claim her.

Mine. Mine. Mine.

The brain cells in my head were now soup, rendered completely useless by the raging hard-on in my jeans. Thanks to her.

She pressed even closer, my erection kicking against her belly. She gasped and tried to pull away, but my arms tightened around her hips, holding her still. I didn't pull her closer. I didn't grind against her like I desperately wanted to. I just held her there and gave her a choice.

Would she run like a rabbit or would she stay?

When she pulled back for a second, my eyes fell to her mouth as I watched her tongue peek out and lick her lower lip.

I knew I was in her system, but I waited for her eyes to meet mine, to tell me what she was thinking, to show me what she was feeling. But her eyes never opened as she came back for more, pressing against my thick erection, her hips rocking ever so slightly.

Fuck. The alarm bells clanged as I dove into dangerous territory with her sweet scent wafting around me, coaxing, teasing, tempting. I groaned and pulled her closer, ready to burn us both to ashes.

Someone jostled by us, and at the slightest movement, I managed to break the spell she had on me. Bloody hell.

She blinked quickly, her breath coming out in sharp gasps. "I'm so sorry. I never should have—"

My fingers itched to pull her back, but I let go. "Let me get this straight; I maul you in a bar, and you apologize to me?"

"Well, you didn't exactly maul me. I'm pretty sure I begged you to kiss me, which is pretty damn humiliating."

I shoved my hands into my jeans pockets to avoid touching her again. "You're fine. And what do you want to bet you're not being stalked anymore?"

Her eyes darted over my shoulder, and then she frowned as she had to lean around me to see. Her eyes went wide. "He's saying something to Talia and Talia is giving as good as she gets. He's leaving. I can't believe that actually worked."

I shrugged. "I live to serve." I said it through clenched teeth. I could taste her on my tongue. All I wanted to do was sink into her, take a bite.

Now is not the time. Follow the plan.

“Thank you. I uh—” She licked her lips nervously then opened her mouth as if to say something else. But then she thought better of it and shut it before she gave me a small wave and walked back the way she had come.

I watched her go, every nerve in my body trying to claw its way out to grab her and hold on.

I had a plan. If I followed it, I would have Massimo Igno in no time. Feeling anything for Daphne would complicate that and be counterproductive.

She was just a pawn. One that I knew exactly how to play.



I don’t know why I thought that Christopher could be an adult. I was wrong.

He'd broken up with me, so why was he being a wanker?
